FTC: Made In The USA Comments Concerning Bob Sanchez Jr.--P894219

August 3, 1997

Gentlemen of the Federal Trade Commission:

When I first read your May 5, 1997 news release about your new proposed guidelines for the use of the "Made in U.S.A." label I was somewhat bewildered. I kept reading about this"outdated 50 year old rule” that virtually all of a product be made domestically before bearing the label “Made in U.S.A.”. I kept reading words like world market, global economy and how companies that have already moved a large amount of their product contents overseas should be granted leeway to promote their product as American-made. In reading all this I felt that you, the Federal Trade Commission, were under great pressures from BIG MONEY large companies who seek only larger profits with little or no regards to the American workers who may lose their jobs.

As I thought about this so called outdated 50 year old standard, The Ten Commandments came to mind. They have been an every day standard for every inhabitant on the face of the, earth, for all those who believe in God and the Bible. Today in this world where human life means little, and moral decay and greed abound, these old standards have been protected, and have been held sacred by churches around the world for centuries. They have not given in to the pressures of the current day wants of a decaying society.

Our country's first step was our Declaration of Independence in 1776 followed with the Constitution of the United States of America in 1787. This work of 55 men in Philadelphia created a land of opportunities and freedom. The first few words read "We the People of the United States". Our Bill of Rights followed in 1791, our forefathers knew that they were very important to every American that lived in that day. These same rights are important for all Americans living some two hundred years later. Our first amendment, our second amendment and so on have withstood years of opposition. Time and time again the Supreme court has upheld the Constitution. Our Supreme court judges have not given into worldly pressures that try to say these documents are perhaps out-dated. The Federal Trade Commission 50 years ago set a standard that they felt was good for the American people. The current Federal Trade Commission has an opportunity to stand fast against the corporate greed of this so called world market by refusing to change this 50 year old standard. Keeping the American public uppermost in their rulings the current Federal Trade Commission will be like all those religious leader who have defended their old standards. Or, like our Supreme court judges who have defended our Constitutional rights. I pray that you consider the future of our children for I fear they are the ones who will suffer the most due to the loss of jobs that will follow if our prize possession of "Made in U.S.A." no longer means just that.


Bob Sanchez Jr.
U.A.W. Local 977
Buy American Committee

Rob Sanchez
2845 So. 400E
Marion, In 46953

August 3, 1997

Gentlemen of the Federal Trade Commission

We ask that you consider the nearly 2,000 signatures of Americans who feel that the current standard that virtually all of a product be made domestically before bearing the label "Made in U.S.A." should remain in effect. In going out into the public we found 99% of the people we spoke with felt that this new proposal would mislead consumers into thinking that the contents, materials, ect. were made in the U.S., while in fact they were made overseas and only qualify by the 75% total manufacturing cost. They felt this was not good for Americans and so signed our petition. The majority of these people had strong feelings against this new proposal. However I fear, that in the fast paced society we live in, that they may feel that they have already done their part and failed to voice their personal opinions directly to the FTC or their Senators and Representatives. None the less I ask that you at least take a look at the names and towns and states that they live in. Thank you for your time. I pray that you will do what is best for the American people.

Bob Sanchez Jr.
U.A.W. Local 977
Buy American Committee

Federal Trade Commission, Bureau of Consumer Protection and Enforcement Division. We the undersign believe that virtually all of a product be made domestically, if not entirely, before bearing the label “Made in the USA". Therefore we oppose any and all changes to our current labeling policy.

Petition to keep the Made in the USA label truly AMERICAN!

Petitioner's Signature Printed Name Home Address, City, State Phone

[FTC NOTE: The signatures attached to the August 3, 1997, submission by Bob Sanchez, Jr., are not reproduced here, but are included in Document No. B21902700651 in FTC File No. P894219, which is available for public inspection at the Federal Trade Commission, Public Reference Room (Room 130), Sixth Street and Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Washington, DC 20580.]