Comment Number: 522418-13225
Received: 9/8/2006 11:43:04 PM
Commenter: Sheri Drumheller
State: PA
Subject: Business Opportunity Rule
Title: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
CFR Citation: 16 CFR Part 437
No Attachments


I support the proposed FTC rules regarding MLMs 110%. Regulations are long overdue for these predators. I have one family member who is involved in Mary Kay. She was talked into opening a Mary Kay credit card and purchasing $3,600 worth of inventory at the VERY FIRST meeting she attended. She was pressured to sign RIGHT THEN and not consult her husband. She is under the spell of this cult and is not person I used to know. This company reels people in under the pretense of earning an executive salary while having limitless amounts of time for family. Exactly the opposite. My family member is never home, required to attend mandatory meetings 3 nights a week and classes on Saturdays. If the 7 day waiting period law for MLMs was in place, my family member could have possibly have done some research. I have another family member who lives in another state involved with Quixtar. It has been two years, she's made no money and is actually close to bankrupcy. But she stays with it because she is too proud to prove those of us right who told her it was a scam.