Comment Number: EREG-000549
Received: 4/26/2004 8:00:00 AM
Organization: self
Commenter: Steven Epstein
State: NY
Agency: Federal Trade Commission
Rule: FACTA Free Reports Proposed Rule
Docket ID: [3084-AA94]
No Attachments


Dear FTC Commissioners: I write to register my objection to the FTC?s proposal to delay New Yorkers? access to free credit reports. The FTC should come up with a fair way to implement this plan that does not discriminate based on where people live. I encourage you to consider alternatives which do not base the burden of delay disproportionately on those who live in the East. If you decide that the order of access to free credit reports must be based on region, at a minimum the process should be expedited. There is simply no justification for making us wait so long. The Credit Card industry has too much power in the battle for FAIR Credit Rules. At least make them provide the reports for free. BUT, it would also be great to require them to post a card holder comment and not remove it each month when the credit grantor refiles the error yet again. When a formal dispute is filed the reporting agencies should be required to report the matter as a disput or BE LIABLE for the ommission.