Comment Number: EREG-000026
Received: 3/29/2004 8:00:00 AM
Organization: N/A
Commenter: Carlin Brundage
State: VA
Agency: Federal Trade Commission
Rule: FACTA Free Reports Proposed Rule
Docket ID: [3084-AA94]
No Attachments


This is a good idea. Everyone should have the chance to recieve a free credit report from each agency every 12 months. I would urge you to take measure that everyone recieves thier Credit Score information as well. A free credit report does little, if the score information is not recieved. I would also request that a commission be formed to force the agencies to release full disclosure on how thier scoring models work. It is a shame that the scoring system that is so vital in obtaining the most favorable credit terms is a complete mystery to consumers. We have a privately run credit system that does not allow consumers a chance to have the scoring system work in thier favor, because the scoring models are protected.