Comment Number: 527031-00006
Received: 1/30/2007 12:02:55 AM
Commenter: Rita Coventry
State: CA
Agency: Federal Trade Commission
Rule: Broadband Connectivity Competition Policy
No Attachments


We very seldom had this problem with the Adelphia service that we had. But when it has been a living nightmare since Time Warner Cable has taken over. This is totally unacceptable levels of service. Time Warner Cable is the only high speed internet available in our area. Several people that we have talked with are unhappy with the constant service interruptions. Their constant "large call volumes" that their automated attendant advertizes to those of us who choose to call to complain indicates to us that we are, indeed, not the only unhappy customer. Now, keep in mind that we have carefully followed all of the prompts. Somebody has to be there for those of us unable to spend more than 1 hour on the telephone waiting for a customer service representative to help us. We are not receiving the level of service that we are paying for and depend upon. We have chosen to communicate through internet e-mail with relatives in the midwest and northwest who have experienced catastrophic freezes and are keeping relatives updated on health and welfare of the elders (many of whom are 80+ years). We need competition to make these companies compete for customers and provide the level of service that we deserve! .