FTC: Made In The USA Comments Concerning Paul D. Nordhaugen--P894219


PAUL D. NORDHAUGEN · 104 BARNES ST. · CARY, NC 27611 · Telephone (919) 481-9660


RE: FTC, Made In USA Policy Comments, No. P894219, Room 159, Washington D.C. 20580


It has been my view of the FTC as being an Entity to enforce truth and ethics in our beautiful Free

Enterprise System in the United States of America.

Please consider upholding my belief in the FTC by enforcing truth in the statement: "Made in the USA".

If a certain percentage of a product was made in another country that percentage should be stated.

That's being truthful.

Thanks so much for reading and have a good day!

Paul D. Nordhaugen

Paul D. Nordhaugen