Comment Number: 527026-00024
Received: 3/23/2007 5:51:40 PM
Organization: Center for Democracy & Technology
Commenter: Alissa Cooper
State: DC
Agency: Federal Trade Commission
Rule: Proof Positive: New Directions for ID Authentication
Attachments:527026-00024.pdf Download Adobe Reader


Attached you will find the Center for Democracy & Technology's newly released Privacy Principles for Identity in the Digital Age, Version 1.2. The document outlines 10 privacy principles to guide government and commercial entities in developing programs or systems for the creation, authentication, and use of identity. These principles deal strictly with systems for identifying individuals rather than groups or other entities. This Version 1.2 is merely CDT’s first iteration on the subject, and this document is open for public comment as of this submission to the FTC. CDT intends to convene stakeholders on all sides of this issue with the hope of achieving a comprehensive and useful set of guidelines or “best practices” that can be applied to the issues associated with identity creation and management across the public and private sectors and in many different contexts. CDT is hopeful that these principles will be helpful in framing the discussion and drilling down on the issues raised in the FTC's upcoming workshop, "Proof Positive: New Directions in ID Authentication."