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From The President

Bill McCool, PresidentMay 6, 2009



This is the last message I will have the privilege to write as the President of FCCA. Our organization has accomplished much in the past two years, and we have much to accomplish in the next two years, and beyond.

I want to thank you, the members, for allowing me the opportunity to serve in this position.
I also want to thank your Board of Directors, all of the district representatives in all of the court units, all of the committee chairs and members of FCCA committees, and Director Jim Duff and the staff at the Administrative Office, and the Federal Judicial Center, for their support these past two years.

We are preparing for our Annual Conference this coming July 19-23 in Detroit, Michigan. The conference site is the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Dearborn. The theme of the conference is “Change: A Driving Force!”. Team Detroit, led by Clerk of Court Dave Weaver and conference planning leaders Libby Smith and Kim Grimes, have assembled a very strong educational program consisting of 32 total hours of sessions over the four days. We are grateful to Team Detroit for their work in planning the conference and the social events. One of the highlights will be the first Graduation Ceremony for FCCA members receiving their certificate in court administration from Michigan State University. My congratulationsto Mike Palus, Tracey Couling, Robin Tabora, Maria Carpenter, Jane Bauer, Ariana Estariel, Donna Hach, Jade Penn, Karen Kirksey Smith, Katherine Wright, Martha Strong, Adriana Camelo, and Kelly Davis, our first MSU graduating class!! Speakers for the graduation ceremony include Keynote Speaker Director Jim Duff from our Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts, Chief Judge Gerald E. Rosen, from our host court, the Eastern District of Michigan, and Mr. John Hudzik, Vice President for Global Engagement and Strategic Projects and a Professor of Criminal Justice at Michigan State University. I also want to thank the superb staff at the Federal Judicial Center for their support and interest in planning the FCCA Annual Conferences. Stephanie Briscoe and her staff do an incredible job in organizing programs, and many of them also teach at the conferences. We all benefit greatly from their expertise. The FJC will be a major contributor to the Detroit Conference. We look forward to seeing everyone in Detroit.

Many of us know court family members and loved ones who have endured a natural disaster, fire, flood, hurricane, or other event. This past year was no exception. The court family in the Southern District of Texas persevered through Hurricane Ike, which caused extensive damage to the Galveston area and in Houston as well. FCCA partnered with the National Conference of Bankruptcy Clerks, and the Federal Probation and Pretrial Officers Association to raise funds for the court family in Southern Texas. My heartfelt thanks to all of your who donated to help our colleagues in Texas. Please allow me to share two of the notes I received from Southern Texas:

Dear Mr. McCool - Thank you and the association for the check to help offset the Hurricane Ike damage. It is greatly appreciated. Sincerely, Kathy Grant.

Dear Mr. McCool, We were so surprised and so thankful when we recently received your letter and the $50 check. We are so touched by your consideration for the financial strain we experienced thanks to Hurricane Ike, and so appreciated your generosity. Please pass on our heartfelt thanks along to everyone on your team. Sincerely, Leanne Garcia.

You have probably noticed our conversion of our membership functions to a new program called “Member Clicks”. This automated service has given FCCA the capability to better communicate with new and existing members about FCCA business. This coming membership year you will receive an automated message reminding you to renew your membership. You can also go on line and update your membership profile. I want to personally thank Cheryl Sweat, our new membership chair, for all of her efforts in successfully implementing the Member Clicks program for FCCA.

In closing, having the opportunity to serve as FCCA President has been the most rewarding experience of my professional career. The torch will pass to Jim Larsen, Clerk in Washington Eastern in Spokane, on July 24. I wish Jim all the best and pledge my full support as he undertakes this great endeavor.

Thank you all.


Bill McCool
Federal Court Clerks’ Association


FCCA 2009 Conference - Detroit, MI

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ListServ Members,
Please distribute this notice with other FCCA members who are not ListServ members.

Notice about the upcoming membership year/period/term will be available in the FCCA Current Events, on the FCCA Home Page and on the FCCA MemberClicks home page.

The 2009-2010 membership year/period/term is July 1, 2009 - June 30, 2010 and the 2009-2010 membership drive is June 1 - August 30, 2009.  

To ensure members will receive all Journals for the upcoming membership year, please sign up for membership no later than August 30.  Members can join any time.  However, the FCCA encourages joining during the FCCA membership drive to enjoy a full year of benefits, including the FCCA Journals.

Go to http://www.fcca.ws/ -> Choose MEMBERCLICKS -> choose JOIN NOW tab.

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