May 11, 2009
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Portland, OR 97204
(503) 326-1500
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405 E 8th Ave #2600
Eugene, OR 97401
(541) 431-4000
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For Trustee Use Only

There are a total of 23 forms listed in the Case Management & Liquidation forms category.

Form No. Form Name and Description Click to Download
750.3 Trustee’s Request that Case Not be Dismissed for Failure to Attend 341(a) Meeting; Motion to Require Debtor’s Appearance at 341(a) Meeting; and Order Thereon
751 Notice of Intent to Abandon
751.2 Notice of Offer to Sell and of Alternative Intent to Abandon
752.20 Trustee’s Objections to Claimed Exemptions and Order Thereon
753 Chapter 7 Trustee’s Interim Report Number __________
753.50 Notice of Intent to Sell Property at Public Auction and Compensate Auctioneer; and Application to Employ Auctioneer and Order Thereon
753.52 Report of Auctioneer
753.55 Notice of Intent to Sell Property at Public Sale and Compensate Liquidator; and Application to Employ Liquidator and Order Thereon
753.57 Report of Liquidator
753.82 Report of Appraiser
755 Motion for Order Requiring Debtor(s) to Turn Over Property and Order Thereon
759.5 Notice of Intent to Incur Expenses
760 Notice of Intent to Sell Property at Private Sale, Compensate Real Estate Broker, and/or Pay Any Secured Creditor’s Fees and Costs (12/1/08)
760.5 Notice of Intent to Sell Property, Compensate Real Estate Broker, and/or Pay Any Secured Creditor’s Fees and Costs; Motion for Authority to Sell Property Free and Clear of Liens; and Notice of Hearing (12/1/08)
761 Motion and Notice of Intent to Settle and Compromise Adversary Proceeding, and Order Thereon
761.2 Motion and Notice of Intent to Settle and Compromise, and Order Thereon
762 Motion to Assume Executory Contract(s), and Order and Notice Thereon
762.2 Motion to Reject and Abandon Executory Contract(s), and Order and Notice Thereon
763 Trustee’s Objection to Claim No. _____ and Order and Notice Thereon
763.5 Withdrawal of Objection to Claim
1350.70 Trustee's Objection to Confirmation, and Motion(s) Thereon
1366R Motion by Trustee to Dismiss Case and Notice Thereon
1368R Motion by Trustee to Convert Case and Notice Thereon

There are a total of 13 forms listed in the Compensation forms category.

Form No. Form Name and Description Click to Download
345 Application for Ch. 7 or 11 Interim/Final Professional Compensation
345.7 Application for Interim/Final Accountant’s Compensation
740 Trustee’s Final Report and Application for Compensation, and Notice Thereon
740.3 Order Allowing Professional Compensation & Expenses; and Directing Distribution of Assets (4/1/09) Updated
753.40 Notice of Intent to Compensate Professional(s)(12/1/08)
753.50 Notice of Intent to Sell Property at Public Auction and Compensate Auctioneer; and Application to Employ Auctioneer and Order Thereon
753.55 Notice of Intent to Sell Property at Public Sale and Compensate Liquidator; and Application to Employ Liquidator and Order Thereon
753.58 Application to Employ Collection Agency and Order Thereon; Notice of Intent to Compensate Collection Agency
753.70 Application to Employ Accountant and Order Thereon; and Notice of Intent to Compensate Accountant [For Chapter 7 Cases Only]
753.74 Order for Compensation of Accountant [For Chapter 7 Cases Only](2/1/09)
753.80 Application to Employ Appraiser and Order Thereon; and Notice of Intent to Compensate Appraiser
760 Notice of Intent to Sell Property at Private Sale, Compensate Real Estate Broker, and/or Pay Any Secured Creditor’s Fees and Costs (12/1/08)
760.5 Notice of Intent to Sell Property, Compensate Real Estate Broker, and/or Pay Any Secured Creditor’s Fees and Costs; Motion for Authority to Sell Property Free and Clear of Liens; and Notice of Hearing (12/1/08)

There are a total of 10 forms listed in the Distribution & Final Report forms category.

Form No. Form Name and Description Click to Download
390 List of Names and Post Office Addresses for Unclaimed Funds
393 List of Creditors Entitled to Small Dividends
740 Trustee’s Final Report and Application for Compensation, and Notice Thereon
740.05 Chapter 7 Trustee’s Final Report for Dismissed, Converted or Transferred Case Updated
740.3 Order Allowing Professional Compensation & Expenses; and Directing Distribution of Assets (4/1/09) Updated
740.5 Trustee’s Final Account Updated
760 Notice of Intent to Sell Property at Private Sale, Compensate Real Estate Broker, and/or Pay Any Secured Creditor’s Fees and Costs (12/1/08)
760.5 Notice of Intent to Sell Real or Personal Property, Compensate Real Estate Broker, and/or Pay Any Secured Creditor’s Fees and Costs; Motion for Authority to Sell Property Free and Clear of Liens; and Notice of Hearing. (12/1/08)
1198 Chapter 11 Trustee’s Final Report for Dismissed, Converted, or Transferred Case (4/1/09) Updated
1375 Final Account and Report of Trustee

There are a total of 7 forms listed in the Employment forms category.

Form No. Form Name and Description Click to Download
753.50 Notice of Intent to Sell Property at Public Auction and Compensate Auctioneer; and Application to Employ Auctioneer and Order Thereon
753.55 Notice of Intent to Sell Property at Public Sale and Compensate Liquidator; and Application to Employ Liquidator and Order Thereon
753.58 Application to Employ Collection Agency and Order Thereon; Notice of Intent to Compensate Collection Agency
753.60 Application to Employ Real Estate Broker and Order Thereon
753.80 Application to Employ Appraiser and Order Thereon; and Notice of Intent to Compensate Appraiser
753.90 Application to Employ Attorney, Attorney Certification, and Order Thereon
753.95 Application to Employ Attorney on Contingent Fee Basis; Attorney Certification, and Order Thereon

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