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For Family Caregivers

caregivers and family







Heart of Caregiving

You can't take care of your loved one properly without first taking care of yourself. Your physical and mental health are of the utmost importance.

Practical Information
Helpful information to help you take the best care of yourself and your loved one.

Getting Support
Having a stroke can be an isolating experience. But you're not alone, and no one knows what you're going through better than another survivor or caregiver.

Caregiver Personal Stories
Read about the experiences of other stroke family caregivers.

Caregiving Resources
Links to organizations and resources for family caregivers.

Products Especially for Family Caregivers
Purchase our Caregiver Journal and Planner or our Caregiver Charm Bracelet! Order here

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This content is reviewed regularly. Last updated 08/21/09.

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Links on This Site
15 Things Caregivers Should Know

Caregiver Poem

Caregiver News

Links to Other Sites
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Related Publications
Caregiver Brochure

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