:: Honorable Carol A. Doyle, Chief Judge ::
:: Kenneth S. Gardner, Clerk of the Court ::
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Administrative Orders

No. 08-05
In order to permit more time with family and friends, the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Northern District of Illinois will be closed on Thursday, December 25, 2008 and Friday, December 26, 2008 in observance of Christmas Day and Thursday, January 1, 2009 and Friday, January 2, 2009 in observance of New Year's Day. Any matter previously set for December 26, 2008 is continued to December 29, 2008 and any matter previously set for January 2, 2009 is continued to January 5, 2009 or another date set by the judge presiding in the matter.
Date Issued: December 3, 2008
No. 08-03
In order to permit more time with family and friends, the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Northern District of Illinois will be closed on Friday, November 28,2008 in observance of the Thanksgiving holiday.
Any matter previously set for November 28, 2008 is continued to December 1, 2008 or another date set by the judge presiding in the matter.
Date Issued: November 12, 2008
No. 07-13
"in order to permit more time with family and friends, the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Northern District of Illinois will be closed on Monday, December 24, 2007 and Tuesday, December 25, 2007 in observance of Christmas Day and Monday, December 31, 2007 and Tuesday, January 1, 2008 in observance of New Year’s Day..."
Date Issued: November 27, 2007
No. 07-12
"In order to permit more time with family and friends, the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Northern District of Illinois will be closed on Thursday, November 22 and Friday, November 23, 2007 in observance of Thanksgiving Day..."
Date Issued: November 13, 2007
No. 07-07
"Reassignment of Chapter 13 Cases", Judge Doyle to Judge Wedoff."
Date Issued: July 2, 2007
No. 07-06
"Assignment of Cases".
Date Issued: July 2, 2007
No. 06-02
"In observance of the National Day of Mourning for President Ford, the Bankruptcy Court will be closed on Tuesday, January 2, 2007..."
Date Issued: December 29, 2006
No. 06-01
"In order to permit more time with family and friends, the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Northern District of Illinois will be closed on Thursday, November 23 and Friday, November 24,2006 in observance of Thanksgiving Day..."
Date Issued: November 13, 2006
No. 05-04
"In order to permit more time with family and friends in the observance of the Thanksgiving holiday, the United States Bankruptcy Court Northern District of Illinois will be closed Friday, November 25, 2005..."
Date Issued: October 18, 2005
No. 04-07
"Petitions and Adversary Complaints to be Submitted on Electronic Media"
Date Issued:
No. 04-06
"In order to permit more time with family and friends in the observance of the Thanksgiving holiday, the United States Bankruptcy Court Northern District of Illinois will be closed Friday, November 26, 2004..."
Date Issued: October 28, 2004
No. 04-05
" IT IS ORDERED THAT General Order 03-22 dated October 21, 2003 is vacated as of January 3, 2005, when the following schedule will be in effect..."
Date Issued: October 28, 2004
No. 04-02
"The Seventh Circuit Judicial Conference is scheduled for May 9, 10 and 11, 2004.
Therefore, the Judges of the United States Bankruptcy court for the Northern District of Illinois will not be sitting on Monday, May 10 and Tuesday, May 11, 2003..."
Date Issued: April 8, 2004
No. 03-21
"IT IS ORDERED that the pending Lake County Adversary Proceeding 02 A 00122 assigned to Judge Pamela S. Hollis is reassigned to Judge Jack B. Schmetterer’s calendar..."
Date Issued: September 15, 2003
No. 03-20
"A Bankruptcy Judges seminar is scheduled for September 25 and 26, 2003. Therefore, the Judges of the United States Bankruptcy court for the Northern District of Illinois will not be sitting on Thursday, September 25, and Friday, September 26, 2003..."
Date Issued: August 21, 2003
No. 03-19
"IT IS ORDERED that General Orders 03-12, dated June 12, 2003 and 03-14 dated June 17, 2003 regarding the reassignment of all pending Lake County Chapter 7 and 13 cases and any related Adversary Proceedings to Judge A. Benjamin Goldgar is amended..."
Date Issued: July 23, 2003
No. 03-16
"IT IS ORDERED that effective Monday, June 23, 2003, the Clerk shall reject all petitions that do not comply with the Bankruptcy Rule 1006..."
Date Issued: June 23, 2003
No. 03-14
"IT IS ORDERED that General Order 03-12 dated June 12, 2003 regarding the reassignment of all pending Lake County Chapter 7and Chapter 13 cases and any related Adversary Proceedings to Judge A. Benjamin Goldgar is amended..."
Date Issued: June 17, 2003
No. 03-12
"Reassignment of Cases"
Date Issued: May 30, 2003
No. 03-09
"Reassignment of Chapter 13 Cases"
Date Issued: February 10, 2003
No. 03-07
"Reassignment of Cases"
Date Issued: February 3, 2003
No. 03-05
"Reassignment of Cases"
Date Issued: January 27, 2003
No. 03-02
"Reassignment of Judge William Altenberger’s Chapter 13 Cases"
Date Issued:
No. 02-23
"Assignment of Eastern Division Chapter 13 Cases"
Date Issued: December 19, 2002
No. 02-22
"Assignment of Eastern Division Chapter 11 Cases"
Date Issued: December 19, 2002
No. 02-21
"Assignment of Cases"
Date Issued: December 17, 2002
No. 02-20
"Reassignment of Cases"
Date Issued: December 16, 2002
No. 02-19
"...a fee of $5.00 will be charged per CD ROM requested from the Court..."
Date Issued: December 9, 2002
No. 02-16
"...all pending Cook County Chapter 13 cases, and any related Adversary Proceedings, on the calendar of Judge Carol A. Doyle are reassigned to Judge Bruce W. Black..."
Date Issued: October 10, 2002
No. 02-14
"Reassignment of Cases"
Date Issued: September 26, 2002
No. 02-08
"...the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Northern District of Illinois shall be closed on Friday, July 5, 2002..."
Date Issued: July 2, 2002
No. 02-05
"...the Judges of the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Northern District of Illinois will not be sitting on May 6 and May 7, 2002..."
Date Issued: April 11, 2002
No. 02-04
"...General Order No. 02-02 dated March 26, 2002 regarding the assignment of Chapter 7, Chapter 11, and Chapter 13 cases is amended to provide that Judge Robert Ginsberg will no longer be assigned any new Chapter 7, Chapter 11, and Chapter 13 cases, or related adversary proceedings..."
Date Issued: April 11, 2002
No. 02-03
"Reassignment of Cases"
Date Issued: March 26, 2002
No. 01-08
"IT IS ORDERED that General Order No. 01-06 dated August 14, 2001 regarding
the assignment of Chapter 7 and Chapter 11 cases is amended..."
Date Issued: December 26, 2001
No. 01-07
"Due to the terrorist attacks in New York and Washington, D.C. on September 11, 2001, the Everett McKinley Dirksen United States Courthouse was closed on Tuesday, September 11 and Wednesday, September 12, 2001, for security reasons."
Date Issued: September 13, 2001
No. 01-06
"Assignment of Cases"
Date Issued: August 14, 2001
No. 01-05
"Reassignment of Cases"
Date Issued: August 14, 2001
No. 01-04 (1)
"...IT IS ORDERED that persons or classes of persons may upon written request be exempted from the access fees who are not-for-profit organizations performing pro bono mediation or legal services, voluntary ADR neutrals, academics doing research in bankruptcy, and state and federal government agencies and courts..."
Date Issued: October 11, 2001
No. 01-04
"IT IS ORDERED that the Office of the United States Trustee, all Chapter 7 panel trustees, all Chapter 12 trustees, and all Chapter 13 trustees serving in the Northern District of Illinois are exempted from the fees for access to electronic data through the court’s Internet site"
Date Issued: May 11, 2001
No. 01-03
"IT IS HEREBY ORDERED THAT U.S. Bankruptcy Court will close on Tuesday, April 3, at 2:00 PM for the remainder of the day in memory of Judge Abraham Lincoln Marovitz..."
Date Issued: March 23, 2001
No. 01-02
"...the Judges* of the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Northern District of Illinois will not be sitting on May 21 and May 22, 2001..."
Date Issued: March 15, 2001
No. 00-08
"IT IS ORDERED that, except as noted below, all Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 cases and related Adversary Proceedings pending before Judge Robert E. Ginsberg where the domicile, residence, principal place of business or principal assets of the person or entity is Kane County are reassigned to a special Eastern Division calendar of Judge Manuel Barbosa..."
Date Issued: September 20, 2000
No. 00-07
"...he Judges* of the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Northern District of Illinois will not be sitting on October 18, 19 and 20, 2000..."
Date Issued: August 1, 2000
No. 00-06
"...he Judges of the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Northern District of Illinois will not be sitting on September 21 and 22, 2000..."
Date Issued: August 1, 2000
No. 00-04
"Reassignment of Calendar of Judge Lefkow"
Date Issued: August 1, 2000
No. 00-03
"Reassignment of Judge Lefkow’s Chapter 13 Cases"
Date Issued: August 1, 2000
No. 99-11
"IT IS ORDERED that Local Bankruptcy Rule 1302, Claims and Claims Registers, is amended to provide that the duties placed on the standing trustees under this rule apply only on cases filed before January 1, 2000 "
Date Issued: December 30, 1999
No. 99-10
"IT IS ORDERED that Local Bankruptcy Rule 309(3), Numbering Matters, is amended to state that the starting number each year in the Western Division will be 70001."
Date Issued: December 30, 1999
No. 99-09
"IT IS ORDERED that all Chapter 13 cases and related Adversary Proceedings where the domicile, residence, principal place of business or principal assets of the person or entity is Lake County that are pending before other judges are reassigned to the Lake County calendar of Judge Ronald Barliant..."
Date Issued: September 28, 1999
No. 99-08
"IT IS ORDERED THAT, effective Tuesday, August 17, 1999, all Chapter 13 cases pending on the calendar of Judge John D. Schwartz, and all related pending Adversary Proceedings, will be reassigned to the calendar of Judge Carol A. Doyle."
Date Issued: August 16, 1999
No. 99-07
"IT IS ORDERED THAT the following cases are reassigned from the calendar of Judge Carol A. Doyle to the calendar of the judge indicated..."
Date Issued: August 2, 1999
No. 99-06
"By an Order entered December 1, 1998, the Court approved a proposal to begin using a “drop box” for a test period of six months..."
Date Issued: August 2, 1999
No. 99-05
"IT IS ORDERED that General Order 98-21 dated September 30, 1998 is vacated as of the effective date of this order.
Date Issued: July 20, 1999
No. 99-04
"IT IS ORDERED that, effective Tuesday, July 27, 1999, the cases on the attached list, and any related Adversary Proceedings, will be reassigned from the calendar of the judge indicated to the calendar of Judge Carol A. Doyle..."
Date Issued: July 20, 1999
No. 99-03
"WHEREAS the Seventh Circuit Judicial Conference is scheduled for May 24 and 25, 1999 and the Judges of the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Northern District of Illinois will not be sitting on May 24 and 25, 1999..."
Date Issued: May 5, 1999
No. 99-02
"IT IS ORDERED that General Order No. 99-1, dated February 2, 1999 has been amended as follows:
The Federal Judicial Center Workshop for Bankruptcy Judges is scheduled for April 6, 7, and 8, 1999.
THEREFORE, the Judges of the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Northern District of Illinois will not be sitting on April 6, 7, and 8, 1999..."
Date Issued: February 12, 1999
No. 99-01
"The Federal Judicial Center Workshop for Bankruptcy Judges is scheduled for April 6, 7, and 8, 1999.
THEREFORE, the Judges of the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Northern District of Illinois will not be sitting on April 6, 7, and 8, 1999..."
Date Issued: February 2, 1999
No. 98-22
"IT IS ORDERED THAT, notwithstanding General Order 98-20 reassigning pending Lake County Chapter 7 cases from Judge John D. Schwartz to Judge Ronald Barliant, the following pending Lake County Chapter 7 cases and related Adversary Proceedings shall remain on the calendar of Judge Schwartz and shall not be reassigned to Judge Barliant..."
Date Issued: September 30, 1998
No. 98-21
"T IS ORDERED that General Order 98-3 dated January 12, 1998 is vacated as of the effective date of this order.
Date Issued: September 30 ,1998
No. 98-20
"IT IS ORDERED THAT, effective with the opening of business on Monday, October 5, 1998, all pending Lake County Chapter 7 cases and any related adversary proceedings will be reassigned from Judge John D. Schwartz to Judge Ronald Barliant, except as provided by further order of court..."
Date Issued: September 30 ,1998

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