From: Forrest Landreth
Sent: Wednesday, August 01, 2001 3:22 AM

Subject: Re: 16 CFR Part 314


Lemme see if I have it all boiled down correctly:

You want to force, by legislation of regulation, private companies to "safeguard" digital information through mandated and/or approved software patches or procedures. So, if the dummies don't know enough to do it on their own, you're going to force them ("under penalty of law") to do the right thing as determined arbitrarily by some government body of bureaucrats (your organization?). Said bureaucrats probably unable to find their digital butts with both hands, good search software, and several geeks to assist.

And, to put the comical icing on this cyber humorcake, I'll bet said bureaucratic organization or individuals will be immune from any repercussions or liability if their recommended "fix" fails.

About right?

Jeez, those fixes will fail; oh, lordy, they'll fail like a governmental competitive-bid-built toilet seat. And whose going to hold YOUR feet to the fire?

Please allow a little sunshine into your cobwebby think tank: let private industry thrive or die on its own. More oversight by well-meaning government "experts" never prevented any evil, and often resulted in far more than existed before.

P.S. And a prime example of how easily you guys get it wrong is in the very link to email responses to this proposed rule. Your mail link on the site "" reads "", but the link itself is coded as "", which results in a failure to transmit the response. Can I slap your wrists for getting this wrong?


Forrest Landreth
P.O. Box 271089
Las Vegas, NV 89127
P.O. Box 16581
North Hollywood, CA 91615
(There's more, but who cares?)

702/499-4877 (Home/Cellular/Voice)
702/648-0459 (FAX/Voicemail)
(Several more, but we all get the message.)

Brief (135 or less character) text messages:
(There are others, but I need some privacy!)