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Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program assistance with heating and cooling costs

State Median Income Estimates for Optional Use in Federal Fiscal Year 2008 LIHEAP Programs and Mandatory Use in Federal Fiscal Year 2009 LIHEAP Programs


State Median Income Estimates for Optional Use in Federal Fiscal Year 2008 LIHEAP Programs and Mandatory Use in Federal Fiscal Year 2009 LIHEAP Programs
The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Act, Title XXVI
of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1981, Public Law 97-35, as amended; 45 CFR 96.85(b)
To provide LIHEAP grantees the State median income estimates for Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2009.
Section 2605(b)(2)(B) of Public Law 97-35 establishes 60 percent of a State's median income as the maximum income allowed in determining income eligibility for LIHEAP, except in States where 150 percent of the poverty level is higher. LIHEAP grantees may set their income eligibility guidelines anywhere between the maximum and minimum poverty levels (110 percent of the poverty level).
The Census Bureau has updated for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) each State's median income estimate for a 4-person family. The Secretary published these estimates in the Federal Register on March 5, 2008 for use in FFY 2009 (see Attachment A). We have calculated 60 percent of State median income estimates for families of one to six members. We also have indicated how to calculate State median income estimates for families of more than six members (see Attachment B).

Optional Use
LIHEAP grantees may adopt the FFY 2009 State median income estimates at any time between March 5, 2008 (the date of publication in the Federal Register) and October 1, 2008 (the beginning of FFY 2009).

Mandatory Use

LHEAP grantees must adjust their program's income eligibility criteria so that they are in accord with these estimates by October 1, 2008 (the beginning of FFY 2009) or by the beginning of a LIHEAP grantee's fiscal year, whichever is later.

(A)—Federal Register Notice, published on March 5, 2008 (73 FR 11924-11926)

(B)—60 percent of estimated State median income adjusted for family size, by State, FFY 2009

Peter Edelman, Program Analyst
Division of Energy Assistance
Office of Community Services, ACF, HHS
370 L'Enfant Promenade, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20447
(202) 401-5292


Josephine Robinson
Office of Community Services

Attachment A

[Federal Register: March 5, 2008 (Volume 73, Number 44)]
[Page 11924-11926]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access []

Administration for Children and Families

State Median Income Estimate for a Four-Person Family: Notice of the Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2009 State Median Income Estimates for Use Under the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) (CFDA Number 93.568) Administered by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Administration for Children and Families, Office of Community Services, Division of Energy Assistance.

Administration for Children and Families, Office of Community Services, Division of Energy Assistance, HHS.

ACTION: Notice of State median income estimates for FFY 2009.

This notice announces the estimated median income for four- person families in each State and the District of Columbia for FFY 2009 (October 1, 2008 to September 30, 2009). LIHEAP grantees may adopt the State median income estimates beginning with the date of publication in the Federal Register or at a later date as discussed below. This enables LIHEAP grantees to choose to implement this notice during the period between the heating and cooling seasons. However, by October 1, 2008, or the beginning of a grantee's fiscal year, whichever is later, LIHEAP grantees using State median income estimates must adjust their income eligibility criteria to be in accord with the FFY 2009 State median income estimates.
This listing of estimated State median incomes provides one of the maximum income criteria that LIHEAP grantees may use in determining a household's income eligibility for LIHEAP.

DATES: Effective Date: The estimates become effective at any time between the date of this publication and October 1, 2008, or the beginning of a LIHEAP grantee's fiscal year, whichever is later.

Peter Edelman, Office of Community Services, Division of Energy Assistance, 5th Floor West, 370 L'Enfant Promenade, SW., Washington, DC 20447, Telephone: (202) 401-5292, E- Mail:

Under the provisions of section 2603(11) of Title XXVI of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1981, Public Law (Pub. L.) 97-35, as amended, HHS announces the estimated median income of a four-person family for each State, the District of Columbia, and the United States for FFY 2009 (October 1, 2008, through September 30, 2009).
Section 2605(b)(2)(B)(ii) of the LIHEAP statute provides that 60 percent of the median income for each State, as annually established by the Secretary of Health and Human Services, is one of the income criteria that LIHEAP grantees may use in determining a household's eligibility for LIHEAP.
LIHEAP was last authorized by the Energy Policy Act of 2005, PL 109-58, enacted on August 8, 2005. This authorization expired on September 30, 2007. Reauthorization of LIHEAP is pending.
Estimates of the median income for a four-person family for each State and the District of Columbia for FFY 2009 have been produced by the U.S. Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce. In developing these estimates, the U.S. Census Bureau used the most recently available income data, which was data from the 2006 American Community Survey (ACS). For additional information about the ACS State median income estimates, see or contact the U.S. Census Bureau's Housing and Household Economic Statistics Division at (301) 763-3243. For additional information about the ACS in general, see
The State median income estimates, like those that derive from any survey, are subject to two types of errors: (1) Nonsampling Error, which consists of random errors that increase the variability of the data and non-random errors that consistently direct the data into a specific direction; and (2) Sampling Error, which consists of the error that arises from the use of probability sampling to create the sample. For additional information about the accuracy of the ACS State median income estimates, see
A State-by-State listing of median income and 60 percent of median income for a four-person family for FFY 2009 follows. The listing describes the method for adjusting median income for families of different sizes as specified in regulations applicable to LIHEAP, at 45 CFR 96.85(b), published in the Federal Register on March 3, 1988 at 53 FR 6824.

Dated: February 11, 2008.
Josephine B. Robinson,
Director, Office of Community Services.

Estimated State Median Income for a Four-Person Family, by State, Federal Fiscal Year
[(FFY) 2009 \1\]

States Estimated State median income for a four-person family \2\ 60 percent of estimated State median income for a four-person family \3\
Alabama $60,298 $36,179
Alaska 71,781 43,069
Arizona 65,050 39,030
Arkansas 52,185 31,311
California 74,801 44,881
Colorado 75,775 45,465
Connecticut 93,821 56,293
Delaware 78,321 46,993
District of Columbia 71,571 42,943
Florida 65,024 39,014
Georgia 66,711 40,027
Hawaii 84,472 50,683
Idaho 58,066 34,840
Illinois 75,484 45,290
Indiana 67,787 40,672
Iowa 67,792 40,675
Kansas 67,897 40,738
Kentucky 60,202 36,121
Louisiana 60,161 36,097
Maine 63,501 38,101
Maryland 94,017 56,410
Massachusetts 89,347 53,608
Michigan 72,591 43,555
Minnesota 81,477 48,886
Mississippi 52,992 31,795
Missouri 63,274 37,964
Montana 60,576 36,346
Nebraska 68,917 41,350
Nevada 66,095 39,657
New Hampshire 87,396 52,438
New Jersey 94,441 56,665
New Mexico 52,034 31,220
New York 75,513 45,308
North Carolina 61,420 36,852
North Dakota 67,560 40,536
Ohio 68,579 41,147
Oklahoma 55,031 33,019
Oregon 64,832 38,899
Pennsylvania 74,072 44,443
Rhode Island 78,189 46,913
South Carolina 59,663 35,798
South Dakota 63,508 38,105
Tennessee 60,143 36,086
Texas 59,808 35,885
Utah 63,586 38,152
Vermont 67,884 40,730
Virginia 78,413 47,048
Washington 75,140 45,084
West Virginia 55,920 33,552
Wisconsin 72,495 43,497
Wyoming 71,559 42,935

Note: FFY 2009 covers the period of October 1, 2008 through September 30, 2009. The estimated median income for a four-person family living in the United States is $70,354 for FFY 2009. The estimates become effective for the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) at any time between the date of this publication and October 1, 2008, or the beginning of a LIHEAP grantee's fiscal year, whichever is later.

\1\ Prepared by the U.S. Census Bureau from the 2006 American Community Survey (ACS). The State median income estimates, like those that derive from any survey, are subject to two types of errors: (1) Nonsampling Error, which consists of random errors that increase the variability of the data and non-random errors that consistently direct the data into a specific direction; and (2) Sampling Error, which consists of the error that arises from the use of probability sampling to create the sample.

\2\ In accordance with 45 CFR 96.85, each State's estimated median income for a four-person family is multiplied by the following percentages to adjust for family size for LIHEAP: 52 percent for one person, 68 percent for two persons, 84 percent for three persons, 100 percent for four persons, 116 percent for five persons, and 132 percent for six persons. For each additional family member above six persons, add 3 percentage points to the percentage for a six-person family (132 percent), and multiply the new percentage by the State's estimated median income for a four-person family.

\3\ These figures were calculated by the Division of Energy Assistance (DEA). DEA calculated these figures by multiplying the estimated State median income for a four-person.

Attachment B

Estimated State Median Income, by Family Size and by State, Federal Fiscal Year 2009

States Estimated State median income for a four-person family2/ 60 percent of estimated State median income for a four-person family1/ 1-Person Family 2-Person Family 3-Person Family 4-Person Family 5-Person Family 6-Person Family
Alabama $60,298 $36,179 $18,813 $24,602 $30,390 $36,179 $41,967 $47,756
Alaska 71,781 43,069 22,396 29,287 36,178 43,069 49,960 56,851
Arizona 65,050 39,030 20,296 26,540 32,785 39,030 45,275 51,520
Arkansas 52,185 31,311 16,282 21,291 26,301 31,311 36,321 41,331
California 74,801 44,881 23,338 30,519 37,700 44,881 52,061 59,242
Colorado 75,775 45,465 23,642 30,916 38,191 45,465 52,739 60,014
Connecticut 93,821 56,293 29,272 38,279 47,286 56,293 65,299 74,306
Delaware 78,321 46,993 24,436 31,955 39,474 46,993 54,511 62,030
District of Columbia 71,571 42,943 22,330 29,201 36,072 42,943 49,813 56,684
Florida 65,024 39,014 20,287 26,530 32,772 39,014 45,257 51,499
Georgia 66,711 40,027 20,814 27,218 33,622 40,027 46,431 52,835
Hawaii 84,472 50,683 26,355 34,465 42,574 50,683 58,793 66,902
Idaho 58,066 34,840 18,117 23,691 29,265 34,840 40,414 45,988
Illinois 75,484 45,290 23,551 30,797 38,044 45,290 52,537 59,783
Indiana 67,787 40,672 21,150 27,657 34,165 40,672 47,180 53,687
Iowa 67,792 40,675 21,151 27,659 34,167 40,675 47,183 53,691
Kansas 67,897 40,738 21,184 27,702 34,220 40,738 47,256 53,774
Kentucky 60,202 36,121 18,783 24,562 30,342 36,121 41,901 47,680
Louisiana 60,161 36,097 18,770 24,546 30,321 36,097 41,872 47,648
Maine 63,501 38,101 19,812 25,908 32,005 38,101 44,197 50,293
Maryland 94,017 56,410 29,333 38,359 47,385 56,410 65,436 74,461
Massachusetts 89,347 53,608 27,876 36,454 45,031 53,608 62,186 70,763
Michigan 72,591 43,555 22,648 29,617 36,586 43,555 50,523 57,492
Minnesota 81,477 48,886 25,421 33,243 41,064 48,886 56,708 64,530
Mississippi 52,992 31,795 16,534 21,621 26,708 31,795 36,882 41,970
Missouri 63,274 37,964 19,741 25,816 31,890 37,964 44,039 50,113
Montana 60,576 36,346 18,900 24,715 30,530 36,346 42,161 47,976
Nebraska 68,917 41,350 21,502 28,118 34,734 41,350 47,966 54,582
Nevada 66,095 39,657 20,622 26,967 33,312 39,657 46,002 52,347
New Hampshire 87,396 52,438 27,268 35,658 44,048 52,438 60,828 69,218
New Jersey 94,441 56,665 29,466 38,532 47,598 56,665 65,731 74,797
New Mexico 52,034 31,220 16,235 21,230 26,225 31,220 36,216 41,211
New York 75,513 45,308 23,560 30,809 38,059 45,308 52,557 59,806
North Carolina 61,420 36,852 19,163 25,059 30,956 36,852 42,748 48,645
North Dakota 67,560 40,536 21,079 27,564 34,050 40,536 47,022 53,508
Ohio 68,579 41,147 21,397 27,980 34,564 41,147 47,731 54,315
Oklahoma 55,031 33,019 17,170 22,453 27,736 33,019 38,302 43,585
Oregon 64,832 38,899 20,228 26,451 32,675 38,899 45,123 51,347
Pennsylvania 74,072 44,443 23,110 30,221 37,332 44,443 51,554 58,665
Rhode Island 78,189 46,913 24,395 31,901 39,407 46,913 54,420 61,926
South Carolina 59,663 35,798 18,615 24,343 30,070 35,798 41,525 47,253
South Dakota 63,508 38,105 19,814 25,911 32,008 38,105 44,202 50,298
Tennessee 60,143 36,086 18,765 24,538 30,312 36,086 41,860 47,633
Texas 59,808 35,885 18,660 24,402 30,143 35,885 41,626 47,368
Utah 63,586 38,152 19,839 25,943 32,047 38,152 44,256 50,360
Vermont 67,884 40,730 21,180 27,697 34,214 40,730 47,247 53,764
Virginia 78,413 47,048 24,465 31,993 39,520 47,048 54,575 62,103
Washington 75,140 45,084 23,444 30,657 37,871 45,084 52,297 59,511
West Virginia 55,920 33,552 17,447 22,815 28,184 33,552 38,920 44,289
Wisconsin 72,495 43,497 22,618 29,578 36,537 43,497 50,457 57,416
Wyoming 71,559 42,935 22,326 29,196 36,066 42,935 49,805 56,675

Note--The estimated U.S. median income for 4-person families is $70,354 for the period of October 1, 2008 through September 30, 2009.

1/Prepared by the Administration for Children and Families, Office of Community Services, Division of Energy Assistance. In accordance with 45 CFR 96.85, each State's estimated median income for a four-person family is multiplied by the following percentages to adjust for family size for LIHEAP: 52 percent for one person, 68 percent for two persons, 84 percent for three persons, 100 percent for four persons, 116 percent for five persons, and 132 percent for six persons. For each additional family member above six persons, add 3 percentage points to the percentage for a six-person family (132 percent), and multiply the new percentage by the State's estimated median income for a four-person family.

2/Prepared by the Census Bureau from the 2006 American Community Survey. For further information, see or contact the U.S. Census Bureau's Housing and Household Economic Statistics Division at (301) 763-3243.