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GRHC Release: Conference Agenda Released
Image 7th Annual Greening Rooftops for Sustainable Communities: Pushing The Envelope - conference agenda released

Significant progress in integrated green roof and wall design, standards and research

Green Roofs for Healthy Cities is proud to unveil the agenda for its 7th Annual, Conference Awards and Trade Show - Greening Rooftops for Sustainable Communities: Pushing the Envelope, to be held from June 3-5th, 2009 in Atlanta Georgia.

“We have an amazing program this year, with new developments related to integrated water management, urban food production, green house gas sequestration and more”, said Steven W. Peck, Founder and President of Green Roofs for Healthy Cities, a non-profit industry association. “We have over twenty-five case studies on the agenda covering everything from massive retrofits of intensive green roof parks like Robson Square in Vancouver to semi-arid award winning green roofs at Southface in Atlanta and Austin City Hall in Texas. The breadth and depth of the program is unmatched.”

Eco-Roof Incentive Program
Image  toronto.ca - Eco-Roof Incentive Program - Press Release

The environmental benefits of eco-roofs, such a green roofs and cool roofs, are many. Green roofs and cool roofs help reduce urban heat, which is a particular concern as global temperatures rise. Green roofs also help manage stormwater, enhance biodiversity, improve air quality and energy efficiency, and beautify our city.

Approved by City Council in November 2008, the Eco-Roof Incentive Program is based on a successful green roof pilot program in 2006 and 2007.

2009 Awards of Excellence Closed for Submissions
Thank you to everyone who submitted for our Design Awards of Excellence we've had the best response ever this year! The 2009 Awards of Excellence Submissions are now closed.

Click here to visit our awards section for submission information and to download forms.

The awards will be given out at the 7th Annual Greening Rooftops for Sustainable Communities Conference, Awards and Trade Show in Atlanta, GA on June 3rd, 4th, & 5th, 2009.

New LiveRoof Grower Distributor in Montana
LiveRoof, LLC Announces New LiveRoof Grower Distributor in Montana - Press Release

Spring Lake, MI, 3/3/2009 – LiveRoof, LLC is pleased to announce the newest distributor grower of the LiveRoof system, Summit Valley Turf Farms.

Summit Valley Turf Farms is located in the Waterloo Valley, in southwest Montana. Established in 1997, Summit Valley Turf has provided Montana and Wyoming with quality Kentucky Bluegrass. Ben and Charissa Wagner currently farm 240 acres which is primarily Kentucky Bluegrass, drought tolerant "Reveille", and perennial wildflower sod.

The sky's the limit with vertical gardens
sfgate.com - The sky's the limit with vertical gardens - Joe Eaton,Ron Sullivan

We're a mostly urban species now, though, and we don't all have space for mini savannahs. But that's not the only kind of green vista available. Instead of the horizontal dimension, we can embrace the vertical. If you can't garden out, garden up: an impulse as old as Babylon.

Builders design new Austin office with green roof
txcn.com - Builders design new Austin office with green roof - By TOM HARRIS

Green roof technology is beginning to take hold in Central Texas. New research shows they are good for the environment and can also save big on energy costs.

It's been three years since researchers at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center began looking into green roof technology. The big question -- can they work here?

Green roofs sprouting up
coloradoan.com - Green roofs sprouting up

There are different kinds of green roofs. But they're basically just roofs covered in plants. Those plants - mostly hardy, low-maintenance succulents - cut energy costs, help manage storm water and can even provide a place for animals to live.

And they're beginning to catch on around the country.

City Offers Cash Incentives For "Eco-Roofs"
blogto.com - City Offers Cash Incentives For "Eco-Roofs" - Posted by Brady Yauch

What's on offer? On a one-year pilot basis, the city is willing to provide incentives of $50 per square meter up to $100,000 for building owners who install green roofs. For those owners who don't want to install a full green roof, the city will provide $2-$5 per square meter up to $50,000 to install a cool roof. A cool roof merely provides strong solar reflectance, which helps ease cooling costs during the summer months. The program was launched at the end of February.

Education Session Overview
Education Session Overview - Release

The 2009 GEORGIA CHAPTER OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS Annual Meeting will be held during the month of July in Savannah, GA. The deadline for submitting presentations for consideration for the 2009 education sessions is March 13, 2009.

To find out more about this event and submitting presentations, click here (.pdf, ~90 kb)

Rooftop gardens winning new adherents
delawareonline.com - Rooftop gardens winning new adherents - BY JUSTIN WILLIAMS

The Ducks Unlimited roof is an anomaly, though. A typical green roof doesn’t need to be burned. In fact, most don’t need much maintenance at all, according to Sarah Murphy, of Canopy, a design and installation company in Washington, D.C. After a green roof is established, once or twice yearly checks for weeds and plant health usually do the trick.

Green Rooftops
myhighplains.com - Green Rooftops - Reported by: Chris Martin

From the parking lot of this shopping center, you can see something a little different. It's literally a green roof. It's made of several layers. The base is a traditional roof. On top is a layer of drainage, a root barrier, soil, and finally the plants. Those plants absorb a lot of rainwater. But not all. The runoff is collected in a cistern and is used to flush the building's toilets.

Architectural Firm Cuts Power Use Almost In Half
wwj.com - Architectural Firm Cuts Power Use Almost In Half With Sustainability - By Matt Roush

Left exposed is much of the reinforcement that allowed the company to install a green roof. Also up in the ceiling are rows of skylights that all but eliminate the need for interior lighting on days like Friday. All light fixtures are high-efficiency. Daniel Jacobs, founding principal and director of sustainable design at A3C, said his office is now much brighter than it was using far less wattage -- the maximum he uses now, turning on every single switch, is 112 watts.

Chicago promising greenest Olympics in 2016 bid
usatoday.com - Chicago promising greenest Olympics in 2016 bid - By Caryn Rousseau

Plants cool 3 million square feet of rooftops throughout the city. Wind, hydropower and biofuels provide one-fifth of its energy. And last year, the mayor announced one of the country's most ambitious plans to slash greenhouse-gas emissions.

So when Chicago promises to host the greenest Summer Olympics ever if it's awarded the 2016 games, organizers say it's not a gimmick. It's an extension of efforts that have been transforming this former Rust Belt city for years.

Eco-friendly church turns heads
baptiststandard.com - Eye-catching, eco-friendly church structure turns heads in North Carolina city - By Bob Allen

The addition also implements a “green roof”—covered with vegetation and soil over a waterproofing membrane—expected to reduce storm-water runoff, the No. 1 source of water pollution, by 25 percent. An underground cistern captures runoff from three areas, including the original church roof. The water will be used for landscape irrigation. Waterless urinals, dual-flush toilets and water-consider appliances will further cut water use and save costs.

LEEDing the way in ‘green' design
gazette.net - LEEDing the way in ‘green' design - Jason Tomassini

"There is just not enough bike parking," Strong said last week from atop Eastern Village's "green" roof, which serves as an outdoor patio, children's playground, community garden and part of efficient stormwater management and heating and cooling systems.

Plow Building To Get Green Roof
chattanoogan.com - Plow Building To Get Green Roof

The historic Plow Building near Finley Stadium has been outfitted with a green roof.

Plow Building owner John Clark said, "The benefits of this green roof will go far beyond beautification and helping with the urban heat island problem. Summer cooling costs and storm water runoff will be reduced and the bio diversity of our city will be increased.

New bill could be boost for green roofs
djcoregon.com - New bill could be boost for green roofs - BY SAM BENNETT

In an ideal world, Steven Peck would like to see green roofs dominate every city. Realistically, he would settle for at least a few here and there.

“It’s likely that in most cities, probably 5 to 10 percent of all existing buildings have enough structural capacity and slope to support green roof technologies,” said Peck, founder and president of Green Roofs for Healthy Cities. “Green roofs aren’t always the solution, but over the long term they can deliver a lot of very tangible public benefits, in terms of air pollution and managing storm water effectively.”

Taking a chance on castles in the air
media.www.dailypennsylvanian.com - Taking a chance on castles in the air - Ashley Takacs

The building's green roof has also garnered some attention for its sustainability. Covering 20 percent of the Radian's total footprint, the 12,000-square-foot green roof was designed primarily to satisfy the city's storm-water control regulations. Special drains capture runoff from impervious sections of the terrace, funneling it into an irrigation system. The green roof also lowers the temperature of the space below it.

Greener Pastures
canadianarchitect.com - Greener Pastures - Kerry Ross

It is a centuries-old idea wrapped in new technology that offers efficiency and beauty. It will even contribute towards LEED certification, but green roofs remain a hard sell in parts of Canada despite the increasing number of projects in Southern Ontario and on the Pacific West Coast--where one can find research and demonstration facilities, municipal incentives and organizations advocating for public awareness. Meanwhile, across the Prairies and in Canada's North, there is still a false perception that green roofs won't work.

Open-Ended Learning
metropolismag.com - Open-Ended Learning - By Paul Makovsky, Martin C. Pedersen, Kristi Cameron & Randi Greenberg

Adlai E. Stevenson High School, in the Bronx, might be breathing a little bit easier in the com ing years with the help of Rafael Viñoly Archi tects. The firm’s concept to retrofit 20,000 square feet of the school’s roof with a modular green roof would be an asset to the environment as well as a resource for students. The green roof sprouted from Ned Kaufman, the director of the firm’s architectural-training and research programs, and Joseph Hagerman, its 2005–2006 research fellow and a Metropolis Next Generation winner. It blends technological innovations in everything from the roof mem brane to the soil, and still remains light enough not to overburden the existing structure.

Beautiful & Innovative Solutions to Stormwater Pollution
ImageUpcoming Webcast: Green Roofs - Beautiful and Innovative Solutions to Stormwater Pollution

Wednesday, February 18, 2009 - Two-hour audio Web broadcast
Eastern: 1:00p.m.–3:00p.m. /  Central: 12:00p.m.- 2:00p.m. /  Mountain: 11:00a.m.–1:00p.m. /  Pacific: 10:00a.m.–12:00p.m.

A Watershed Academy Webcast: Many communities across the country are struggling to address impacts from stormwater runoff on their water resources due to increased development. Innovative low impact development practices such as green roofs can help manage stormwater runoff very effectively and provide communities with beautiful amenities.... Join us for this exciting Webcast to learn more about these natural solutions to water pollution. Our three expert speakers will discuss the benefits of green roofs and share their experiences as leaders/pioneers in the green roof movement in the United States and North America.

(click on the linked text above to see a more detailed flyer about the event)

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