2nd International Conference on
Countermeasures to Urban Heat Islands

Recent Publications [PDF]

Air Quality

Cooler temperatures reduce air pollution and smog.

High Temperatures

On warm summer days, a city can be 6-8°F warmer than its surrounding areas. Scientists call these cities "Urban Heat Islands."

Cool Roofs

Making a building reflective reduces the amount of solar heat it absorbs.


Trees reduce cooling energy use in buildings by shading them and cooling the air.

Energy Use

Higher temperatures increase demand for air conditioning!

Cool Pavements

Reflective pavements keep parking lots and roads cool.
[Heat Island logo]

"Heat Island research is conducted to find, analyze, and implement solutions to the summer warming trends occurring in urban areas, the so-called 'heat island' effect. We currently concentrate on the study and development of more reflective surfaces for roadways and buildings."

Hashem Akbari

[photo of Hashem]

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Questions and Comments.
This web page last modified by Sheng-chieh Chang on August 30, 2000.
Questions? E-mail: SCChang@LBL.gov