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Face of Performance  
“Sasha” started off down a reckless path at a young age.  Pregnant for the first time at 12, abusing drugs by 13, Sasha lived with substance abuse as a driving force in her life for decades.  With ten children to care for between the ages of 32 and 6, Sasha left prison knowing that things could not continue as before.  In addition to working the 12 steps, Sasha sought out courses in anger management and parenting.  She requested to live in transitional housing upon release rather than going straight back to living with family.  Project REACH was able to find her housing at a supportive home for women, and assist her in staying there until she was employed. Project REACH is a free and voluntary program available in select rural Missouri counties to support those who care for young children and is affiliated with the One-Stops.
Ryan Baldridge
Sasha found her career by doing what she loves best—cleaning.   While staying at the transitional home, one day she was vigorously cleaning outdoor windows.  A business owner happened by and saw Sasha working hard; he later called the coordinator of the home to tell Sasha to stop by his diner if she was in need of employment.  Sasha went to the diner and was hired on the spot.  This was her “first ever” employment.
  Face of Performance Archives
Created: March 19, 2009