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Middle School

2009 Middle School Winners

HSSB Winners - Santa Monica High School

The U.S. Department of Energy Congratulates Hopkins Junior High School from Fremont, Calif.
February February
March April
May June
July August
September October
November December



Middle School Rules, Forms, and Resources

The 2009 National Middle School Science Bowl will be a competition among 36 middle school teams that win at selected regional competitions.  At the national level, these teams will compete in two styles of competition:  an academic question & answer competition and a model hydrogen fuel cell car challenge.

 National Science Bowl® Forms

Each regional competition may or may not require these forms. However, every regional winning team is required to complete these forms to attend the National event. The National forms will be available to you as part of your online coach's account. Please use your online account to complete all of the forms required to attend the national competition.

** The forms above are in pdf format. To fill out the form, open the file, place your cursor on a line and type in the information. The tab key will jump to the next line. When you are done, print out the page, add the signature and date, and submit the form to the regional science bowl coordinator. If you close the file, your text will not be saved.

Links For Academic Competition

Sample questions for the Middle School Science Bowl (PDF Files)


Links for Hydrogen Fuel Cell Competition

Teacher Workshop Resources

NREL Resources

Additional Material