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Found 70 studies with search of:   "Esophagitis"
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1 Not yet recruiting Proton Pump Inhibitor (PPI) Therapy for Newly Diagnosed Esophagitis
Conditions: Errosive Esophagitis;   Reflux Esophagitis;   GERD
2 Completed Comparison of Dexlansoprazole to Placebo on the Ability to Maintain Healing in Subjects With Healed Erosive Esophagitis
Conditions: Esophagitis, Reflux;   Esophagitis, Peptic
Interventions: Drug: Dexlansoprazole;   Drug: Dexlansoprazole;   Drug: Placebo
3 Completed A Study on Efficacy and Safety of Dexlansoprazole on Maintaining Healing in Subjects With Healed Erosive Esophagitis
Conditions: Esophagitis, Reflux;   Esophagitis, Peptic
Interventions: Drug: Dexlansoprazole;   Drug: Dexlansoprazole;   Drug: Placebo
4 Completed A Study to Compare the Efficacy and Safety of Dexlansoprazole and Lansoprazole on Healing of Erosive Esophagitis
Conditions: Esophagitis, Reflux;   Esophagitis, Peptic
Interventions: Drug: Dexlansoprazole;   Drug: Dexlansoprazole;   Drug: Lansoprazole
5 Completed A Study to Compare the Efficacy and Safety of Dexlansoprazole and Lansoprazole on Healing of Erosive Esophagitis
Conditions: Esophagitis, Reflux;   Esophagitis, Peptic
Interventions: Drug: Dexlansoprazole;   Drug: Dexlansoprazole;   Drug: Lansoprazole
6 Completed Study of Dexlansoprazole vs Placebo on the Ability to Maintain Healing in Subjects With Healed Erosive Esophagitis
Conditions: Esophagitis, Reflux;   Esophagitis, Peptic
Interventions: Drug: Dexlansoprazole;   Drug: Dexlansoprazole;   Drug: Placebo
7 Completed NEXIUM® in the Treatment of Moderate and Severe Erosive Esophagitis
Conditions: Erosive Esophagitis;   Reflux Esophagitis;   Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
Intervention: Drug: esomeprazole magnesium (oral medication)
8 Completed A Multicenter, Randomized, Double Blind, Double Dummy, Parallel-Group Efficacy Study Comparing 8 Weeks of Treatment With Esomeprazole Magnesium (40mg qd) to Lansoprazole (30mg qd) for the Healing of Erosive Esophagitis in Patients With Moderate or Severe Erosive Esophagitis
Condition: Erosive Esophagitis
Interventions: Drug: Esomeprazole;   Drug: Lansoprazole
9 Recruiting 24 Hour Esophageal and Electrogastrography to Investigate the Mechanism of Reflux Esophagitis
Condition: Reflux Esophagitis
Intervention: Device: EGG, 24 hour esophageal pH monitor
10 Recruiting Impact of Timing on the Efficacy of Zegerid 40 mg in Healing Reflux Esophagitis: A Pilot Study
Condition: Errosive Esophagitis
Interventions: Drug: Zegerid 40 mg am dose;   Drug: omeprazole/sodium bicarbonate (Zegerid 40 mg )
11 Completed A Dose-Finding Phase IIb Study With AZD0865 and Esomeprazole in GERD Patients With Erosive Esophagitis.
Condition: GERD With Erosive Esophagitis
Intervention: Drug: AZD0865
12 Recruiting Reflux Esophagitis Phase III Study (Initial Treatment)
Condition: Reflux Esophagitis
Interventions: Drug: Esomeprazole;   Drug: Esomeprazole;   Drug: Omeprazole
13 Recruiting Immunologic Factors in Reflux Esophagitis and Barrett’s Esophagus
Conditions: Reflux Esophagitis;   Hiatal Hernia
14 Recruiting Double-Blind Comparative Study of E3810 Tablets (10 or 20 mg b.i.d.) to Evaluate Efficacy and Safety in Patients With Refractory Reflux Esophagitis
Condition: Refractory Reflux Esophagitis
Interventions: Drug: E3810;   Drug: E3810;   Drug: E3810
15 Recruiting Reflux Esophagitis Phase III Study (Maintenance Treatment)
Condition: Reflux Esophagitis
Interventions: Drug: Esomeprazole;   Drug: Esomeprazole;   Drug: Omeprazole
16 Suspended Efficiency Study of S-Tenatoprazole-Na to Treat Erosive or Ulcerative Esophagitis
Condition: Esophagitis, Reflux
Intervention: Drug: S-Tenatoprazole-Na (STU-Na)
17 Recruiting Intravenous (IV) Pantoprazole in Erosive Esophagitis
Condition: Esophagitis
Intervention: Drug: pantoprazole
18 Completed Comparison of Esomeprazole to Aerosolized, Swallowed Fluticasone for Eosinophilic Esophagitis
Condition: Esophagitis
Interventions: Drug: esomeprazole;   Drug: fluticasone
19 Completed Intravenous vs Oral Lansoprazole on Gastric Acid Secretion in Subjects With Erosive Esophagitis
Conditions: Esophagitis;   Reflux
Interventions: Drug: Lansoprazole;   Drug: Lansoprazole
20 Completed Off Label Use of INFLIXIMAB in Adult Patients With Severe Eosinophilic Esophagitis
Condition: Esophagitis
Intervention: Drug: Infliximab

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