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Region 1: Recommendations and EPA Response

EPA originally asked the states and tribes to recommend whether or not areas were in attainment in 2000. Many states and tribes complied, but because of continuing litigation, the Agency deferred designation action.

EPA asked the states and tribes to, by July 15, 2003, either reaffirm or revise their 2000 recommendations or submit new recommendations. EPA will make its final designations based upon these reaffirmed, revised, or new recommendations. State recommendations and EPA response letters are presented here. EPA will make final designations by April 15, 2004.

Tribal information for both 2000 and 2003 is available on the Tribal Recommendations page. 

Correspondence from persons outside the agency is catalogued on the outside correspondence page.

2003 EPA Intended Designations (Not Final)

The EPA intends to designate counties shaded red as nonattainment. The remaining unclassifiable/attainment areas are shaded beige. EPA may intend to designate some counties as partial nonattainment; that intention is reflected in the EPA response letters. Any partial counties are shown as whole counties on this map. EPA will make official designations in 2004. A map showing 2000 recommendations by the states is available below the recommendation and response documents.

Map showing counties intended for ozone non-attainment by the 8-hour standard in 2003
View Recommendations in tabular form

Recommendation and Response Documents

You will need Adobe Reader to view some of the files on this page. See EPA's PDF page to learn more.

The documents listed below are states' submittals to EPA's request for recommendations on the designations of areas for the 8-hour ozone standard and EPA's responses to those submittals. EPA will make final designations by April 15, 2004.

The quality of these PDF files are quite variable, and are the result of the quality of the documents provided to Ozone Policy and Strategies Group (OPSG) at this time. OPSG will update the quality and completeness of these files as the documents become available.

Region 1: State Recommendations and EPA Response Letters

State 2000 Recommendation 2003 Recommendation EPA Response State Remarks on EPA Response
Connecticut Download pdf Download pdf Download pdf Download pdf Download pdf
Maine Download pdf Download pdf Download pdf Download pdf  
Massachusetts Download pdf Download pdf Download pdf Download pdf  
New Hampshire Download pdf Download pdf Download pdf Download pdf  
Rhode Island Download pdf Download pdf Download pdf Download pdf  
Vermont Download pdf Download pdf Download pdf Download pdf  
Whole region   Download pdf    

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Region 1 tribal information

2003 State Recommendations

Counties shaded red on the map below were recommended by states to be designated nonattainment in the recommendation process in 2003.

 showing counties recommended for ozone non-attainment by the 8-hour standard in
View Recommendations in tabular form

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