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Found 13 studies with search of:   "Gingivitis"
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1 Recruiting Dose-Dependent Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Vitamin D in a Human Gingivitis Model
Condition: Gingivitis
Intervention: Dietary Supplement: vitamin D3
2 Recruiting A Study to Evaluate Associations Between Gingivitis and Pregnancy Outcomes
Condition: Pregnancy-Associated Gingivitis
Intervention: Behavioral: counseling
3 Recruiting Mechanical Plaque Control and Gingivitis Reduction in Fixed Appliance Patients
Conditions: Dental Plaque;   Gingivitis
Interventions: Device: sonic toothbrush (Philips Sonicare® FlexCare, Typ HX6942/04);   Device: manual toothbrush / interdental toothbrush (elmex® Inter X medium toothbrush / interdental brush Curaprox®);   Device: manual toothbrush (elmex® Inter X medium toothbrush);   Device: manual toothbrush (elmex® Inter X medium toothbrush)
4 Completed Flossing With Chlorhexidine
Condition: Gingivitis
Intervention: Procedure: Chlorhexidine is the generic name of the mouthwash, Peridex is the brand name.
5 Recruiting Effect of Herbal Extracts on Gingival Inflammation
Condition: Gingivitis
Intervention: Drug: periopatch
6 Completed Pilot Efficacy Study to Treat Gingivitis
Condition: Gingival Diseases
Intervention: Drug: Frio Oral Rinse
7 Recruiting Compare Anti-Inflammatory Dentifrices
Condition: Gingivitis
Interventions: Drug: Triclosan;   Drug: Fluoride;   Drug: Fluoride
8 Recruiting Comparing the Inter-Dental Brush to Dental Floss
Condition: Gingivitis
Interventions: Device: IB = Interdental brush, the intervention;   Device: DF = Dental floss, the positive control
9 Completed Clinical Study to Evaluate the Treatment of Gingivitis of Two Toothpastes
Condition: Dental Plaque
Interventions: Drug: Fluoride;   Drug: Triclosan;   Drug: Fluoride
10 Not yet recruiting A Prospective, Randomized Clinical Study on the Effects of Casein Phosphopeptide-Amorphous Calcium Phosphate (CPP-ACP) Paste on Plaque, Gingivitis and White Spot Lesions in Orthodontic Patients - Part 2
Condition: Early Caries Lesions
Interventions: Device: CPP-ACP (GC Tooth Mousse);   Device: CPP-ACP (GC MI Paste Plus);   Device: Fluoride (Elmex Medical Gel)
11 Not yet recruiting A Prospective, Randomized Clinical Study on the Effects of Casein Phosphopeptide-Amorphous Calcium Phosphate (CPP-ACP) Paste on Plaque, Gingivitis and White Spot Lesions in Orthodontic Patients - Part 1
Condition: Early Caries Lesions
Interventions: Device: CPP-ACP (GC Tooth Mousse);   Device: CPP-ACP (GC MI Paste Plus)
12 Completed PerioWave Re-Treatment Protocol Compared to Scaling and Root Planing (SRP) and a Single Treatment With PerioWave
Condition: Periodontitis
Intervention: Device: PerioWave
13 Recruiting Herbal Periodontal Patch (THPP) for Gingival Inflammation in Diabetics
Condition: Gingival Inflammation in Diabetic Patients
Interventions: Drug: Transmucosal Herbal Periodontal Patch (THPP);   Drug: Placebo Patch

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