National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Small Business Innovation Research & Technology Transfer 2008 Program Solicitations

TOPIC: T9 Technologies for Human and Robotic Space Exploration Propulsion Design and Manufacturing

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T9.01 Technologies for Human and Robotic Space Exploration Propulsion Design and Manufacturing

Achieving the Space Exploration Goals that NASA has defined will hinge on continued development of improved capabilities in propulsion system design and manufacturing techniques. NASA is interested in innovative design and manufacturing technologies that enable sustained and affordable human and robotic exploration of the Moon, Mars, and solar system. Implementing certain aspects of the NASA Vision for Space Exploration will require versatile, reliable space propulsion engines that can operate over a wide range of thrust levels, high specific impulse, and have multiple restart capability. The development of and operation of these propulsion systems will benefit greatly from improvements in design and analysis tools and from improvements in manufacturing capabilities.

T9.01 Technologies for Human and Robotic Space Exploration Propulsion Design and Manufacturing
Lead Center: MSFC

This subtopic solicits partnerships between academic institutions and small businesses in the following specific areas of interest: Innovative design and analysis techniques, manufacturing, materials, and processes relevant to propulsion systems launch vehicles, crew exploration vehicles, and lunar orbiters and landers. Improvements are sought for increasing safety and reliability and reducing cost and weight of systems and components.

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