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The California State flag was adopted in 1911.
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Digital TV Conversion

On June 12, 2009, the old analog broadcasting standard will be replaced by digital television broadcasting (DTV). DTV is a new more efficient way to broadcast television while also freeing up airwaves for other services. The DTV transition enables TV stations to provide dramatically clearer pictures and better sound quality, offer more programming choices, interactive capabilities and data services such as enhanced closed captioning.

The DTV transition will affect individuals who currently receive free over-the-air television signals through antennas (rabbit ears) on TV sets that are equipped with analog tuners. If you subscribe to cable, satellite or other paid TV services you will not be required to have this converter box.

Individuals can switch to DTV by either:

  • Purchasing a DTV Converter Box estimated to cost $50 – 75 (two $40 coupons per household are available upon request).
  • Purchasing a Digital TV set or an analog television equipped with a digital tuner.
  • Continue to use their analog TV set by subscribing to a cable, satellite or a telephone company service provider.

To learn more about the transition or to find out if you are eligible for the $40 coupon, visit www.dtv2009.gov or call 1-888-388-2009.

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