Digital History>Maps

Links to Historic Maps


Fifteenth Century | Sixteenth Century | Seventeenth Century
Eighteenth Century | Revolutionary Era | Early National Period
Nineteenth Century
| Civil War

Fifteenth Century (1401-1500)

1482 Claude PTOLEMEE, Cosmographia. Ulm, L. Holle, 1482

Sixteenth Century (1501-1600)

1544 Charta cosmographia.  Apian 1544 217kb

1550 Tabula nouarum insularum.  Munster 1550  296kb

1556 Universale Della Parte del Mondo Nuovamenta Ritrovata. Giacomo Gastaldi. Venezia, 1556.

1556 [New France] Giacomo di Gastaldi, 1556. Courtesy of the John Carter Brown Library at Brown University.

1562 Map of the Western Hemisphere Diego Gutierrez, 1562.

1584 Peruviae aviferae regionis typus.  Ortelius 1584  531kb

1587 Orbis terrae compendiosa descriptio.  Mercator 1587  244kb

1587 Abraham Ortelius, Americae sive Nova Orbis, Nova Descriptio. [Antwerpiae], Francisci Hogenbergi, 1587.

1595 Vera Totius Expeditionis Nauticae . .  .  Jodocus Hondius, possibly Amsterdam, ca. 1595

1597 Granata Nova et California. Corneille Wytfliet, Lovanii, 1597.

c. 1599 “A Chart of the World on Mercator’s Projection.” EDWARD WRIGHT, In The Principall Navigations, Voiages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation, compiled by Richard Hakluyt. London, 1598-1600.

1600 Novi orbis pars borealis.  Quad 1600 379kb

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Seventeenth Century (1601-1700)

1625 Florida et regiones vicinae. De Laet 1625  258kb

1632 Carte de la nouvelle France Samuel de Champlain, 1632.

1633 Virginiae item et Floridae Americae Provinciarum nova descriptio. Mercator 1633  311kb

1635 Nova Belgica et Anglia Nova Willem Janszoon Blaeu, 1635. Courtesy of the John Brown Carter Library at Brown University.

1639 Manhatus gelegen op de Noot Rivier  [Joan Vinckeboons?], 1639, Library of Congress, Geography and Map Division.

1640 Virginiae partis australis, et Floridae partis orientalis. Blaeu 1640 326kb

1640 America septentrionalis. Hondius 1640  363kb

1644 Americque Septentrionale. Nicholas Sanson, Paris, Pierre Mariette,1644?.

1646 Carta particolare della costa di Florida e di Virginia. Dudley 1646 

1651 “A mapp of Virginia discovered to ye Hills.”  JOHN FARRER,1651.

1665 Americae nova tabula. Dudley 1646

1670 Frederick de WIT, Nova orbis tabula, in lucem edita, A.F. de Wit. [Amsterdam, ca 1670].

1675 A Mapp of New England .  John Seller, 1675. Courtesy of the John Carter Brown Library at Brown University.

1676 A new description of Carolina. Speed 1676

1678 Tabula geographio-hydrographica motus oceani. Kircher 1678

1680 Pascaerte vande Caribische Eylanden. vande Barbados tot aende bocht van Mexico. Doncker 1680?

1680 Insulae Americanae in Oceano Septentrionali. Visscher 1680

1685 A general map of the continent & islands which be adjacent to Jamaica. Lea 1685

1688 Nova orbis tabula. De Wit 1688

1690 A Map of ye English Empire in the Continent of America.  Robert Morden, 1690. Courtesy of the John Carter Brown Library at Brown University.

1690 America Septentrionalis, Novissima America Meridionalis accuratissima.  P[ieter] Schenk, Amsterdam, c. 1690

1692 Amerique Septentrionale divisee en ses principales parties. Sanson 1692

1695 Mare del nord. Coronelli 1695

1696 Terrestrial Globe Sheet: The American Southwest. Vincenzo Coronelli, Venice, 1696.

1696 Carte general de la Caroline. Sanson 1696

1698 Pas-Kaar van Nieu Nederland.   Hendrick Doncker, 1698.  Nederland. Library Company of Philadelphia.

1698 “A Map of a Large Country Newly Discovered in the Northern America situated between New Mexico and the Frozen Sea.”  LOUIS HENNEPIN, in A New Discovery of a Vast Country in America. London, 1698.

1700 A Mappe of Colonel Romers Voyage to ye 5 Indian Nations. Wolfgang W. Römer, 1700. Courtesy of the New York Public Library.

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Eighteenth Century (1701-1800)

1701 A Map of Mexico or New Spain, Floridia Now Called Louisiana, and Part of California &c.. Herman Moll, London, ca. 1701-1703?.

1703 Carte du Mexique et de la Floride. Delisle 1703  306kb

1704 Carte d'un tres grand pais. Hennepin 1704  220kb

1705 Florida zoo als het van de Spaanschen. Sanson 1705  117kb

1710 North America. Senex 1710 348kb

1719 Amplissimæ Regionis Mississipi seu provinciae Ludovicianae à R.P. Ludovico Hennepin Francise Miss. in America Septentrionali.  Io.[Johann] Bapt[ist] Homanno, Nuremberg, c. 1719

1720 A new map of the north parts of America claimed by France.  Moll 1720 348kb

1721 A map of Louisian and of the River Mississippi.  Senex 1721  387kb

1723 A Map Describing the Situation of the several Nations of Indians between South Carolina and the Massisipi; was Copyed from a Draught Drawn Upon a Deer Skin by an Indian Cacique and Presented to Francis Nicholson Esqr. Governour of Carolina.  Unidentified Chickasaw mapmaker, c. 1723

1725 A new map of his majesty's flouishing province of South Carolina.  Herbert 1725 223kb

1730 Novis Orbis Sive America Meridionalis et Septentrionalis. From Atlas Novus, Matthaus Seutter, mapmaker, Augsberg, c. 1730

1732 [Southeastern North America] (First appearance of "Georgia" - 1732).  n.a. 165kb

1733 America septentrionalis.  Delisle 1733  408kb

1733 A map of the British empire in America.  Popple 1733  313kb

1740 An Accurate Map of the West Indies.   Bowen 1740 490kb

1740 Dominia Anglorum in America sepentrionali.  Homann heirs 1763 541kb

1740 Carte Geografica Della Florida Nell'America Settentrionale unidentified mapmaker, 1740

1744 A Map of North America. Richard William Seale, London, 1744.

1746 Kaart van Noord America voor zoo verre deselve betekking heeft tot de Engelsche Bezittingen.  From Noord America Attributed to Isaak Tirion; R[einer] Boitet, publisher, Delft, 1746

1754 A map of the British American plantations.  Bowen 1754 169kb

1755 A Map of Virginia, North and South Carolina, Maryland with part of New Jersey.  For R. Baldwin 1755 171kb

1755 A Map of the Most Inhabited Part of New England. Thomas Jefferys, 1755. Courtesy of the Library of Congress, Geography and Map Division.

1756 America Septentrionalis.  d'Anville 1756  404kb

1760 A new war map of the Cherokee Nation.  Kitchin 1760  90kb

1760 Carte de la Louisiane et de la Floride  Bonne 1760 209kb

1760 A map of the new governments of east and West Florida.  Gibson 1760  135kb

1760 A New & Accurate Map of Mexico or New Spain Together with California, New Mexico &c. Emanuel Bowen, London, 1760.

1763 Amplissima Regionis Mississippi.  Homann heirs 1763?  346 kb

1763 A new map of North America.  Spilsbury 1763  346kb

1763 A map of Georgia and Florida.  Wright 1763  132kb

1764 Carte de la nouvelle Georgie.  Bellin 1764  88kb

1765 A new map of North & South Carolina & Georgia.  Kitchin 1765  116kb

1770 A chart of the entrance into St. Mary's River.  Fuller 1770 258kb

1771 Plan du Port de Goudaquini now called Jekyl Sound in the Province of Georgia. N.a. 1771 124kb

1774 North America, as divided amongst the European powers.  Dunn 1774  269kb

1776 Virginia A.D. 1607 [and] Cherokee country prior to 1776.   2 maps by Woolley 1776  78kb

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Revolutionary Era

1775 Boston, its environs and harbour, with the rebels works raised against that town in 1775... Sir Thomas Hyde Page, [1775?].

1776 Bowles' map of the seat of war.  Bowles 1776  330kb

1776 A plan of the attack of Fort Sulivan near Charles Town in South Carolina. Faden 1776  176kb

1776 A plan of the river and sound of D'awfoskee in South Carolina.  Gascoigne 1776  277kb

1776 Carte de la nouvelle republique de l'Amerique.  Lotter 1776  382kb

1776 Carte nouvelle de l'Amerique Angloise.  Lotter 1776  260kb

1776 The theatre of war in North America.  n.a. 1779  282kb

1777 Port Royal in South Carolina.  Des Barres 1777  305kb

1779 A new and accurate map of North Carolina.  n.a. 1779  282kb

1779 A new and accurate map of the province of South Carolina.  n.a. 1779  264kb

1780 A new and accurate map of North Carolina and part of South Carolina. with the field of battle between Earl Cornwallis and General Gates. n.a. 1780  218kb

1781 A map of east and west Florida. Georgia and Louisiana.  Bew 1781 239kb

1782 Carte des deux Carolinas et Georgie.  n.a. 1782  175kb

1783 Plan of the town and harbour of St. Augustin.  Bew 1783 106kb

1783 The United States of North America with the British and Spanish territories according to the treaty.  Faden 1783  278kb

1895 New states projected in the West. 1772-1789.  Turner 1895  126kb

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Early National Period

1784 Charte uber die XIII Vereinigte Staaten von Nord-America.  Gussefeld 1784  289kb

1786 Carte generale des treize Estats Unis.  n.a. 1785 259kb

1788 A map of the states of Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia. Purcell 1788  206kb

1788 New map of the states of Georgia South and North Carolina, Virginia and Maryland, including the Spanish provinces of West and East Florida.  Purcell 1788  282kb

1794 A new & general map of the Southern Dominions belonging to the United States of America.  Laurie & Whittle 1794 208kb

1795 Map of the Southern states of America.  Russell 1795  218kb

1796 The United States of North America. Faden 1796 218kb

1797 Map of the southern parts of the United States of America.  Bradley 1797  212kb

1798 Map of the Southern part of the United States of America.  Russell 1798  168kb

1799 Map of the Southern part of the United States of America.  Phillips 1799  283kb

1799 Carte des Carolines meridionale et septentrionale, la Georgie, la Florida.  Georgie, la Florida. Neg 5237  Poirson 1799  273kb

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Nineteenth Century (1801-1900)

1801 An Indian Map of the Different Tribes that Inhabit on the East & West Side of the Rocky Mountains.  Ac ko mok ki (the Feathers), mapmaker. Copied by Peter Fidler. February 7, 1801

1802 Spanish dominions in North America.  Arrowsmith 1802  135kb

1806 A new map of part of the United States of North America, containing the Carolinas and Georgia.  Cary 1806 224k

1811 Spanish Dominions in North America. John Pinkerton, London, 1811.

1811 “A Map Exhibiting all the New Discoveries in the Interior Parts of North America.” AARON ARROWSMITH, 1795, with additions to 1811.

1813 A map of the Sourthern section of the United States.  Melish 1813  240kb

1814 Mississippi territory.  Shallus 1814  265kb

1815 Map of the country belonging to the Cherokee and Creek Indians.  Melish 1815 150kb

1815 Plan of an attack made by the British forces on the American lines in advance of Orleans on the 8th January 1815.  n.a. 1815 93kb

1816 Southern section of the United States.  Melish 1816  224kb

1817 The battle of the horseshoe, 27 March 1814.  n.a. 1817 150kb

1820 Carte des Etas Unis de l’Amerique. A. R. Férmin, Paris, 1820.

1821 Plan of lands in East Florida purchased by Messrs. John Forbes & Co. from the Indians.  Forbes 1821  120kb

1827 United States of America.  Warr ca. 1827  201kb

1839 Map of the Southern States.  Burgess 1839  345kb

1839 Map of the United States & Texas.  Burgess 1839  407kb

1839 Map of the chief part of the Southern states and part of the Western.  Mitchell 1839  505kb

1844 Map of Texas & the countries adjacent.  Emory 1844 152kb

1848 Mexico, California and Texas. John Rapkin, London, 1848?.

1854 Mexico, California & Texas. Adam and Charles Black, Edinburgh, [1854?].

1884 Map of the former territorial limits of the Cherokee Nation. Royce 1884 239kb

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Civil War

1861 Panorama of the Mississippi Valley and its Fortifications.  C. Magnus 1864  165kb

1862 The historical war map.  Hudson Taylor 1862 210kb

1862 Johnson's map of the vicinity of Richmond, and Peninsula Campaign.  Johnson 1862  248kb

1862 Map of the seat of war in Virginia.  Duncan 1862 217kb

1863 Charleston Harbor and its approaches.  n.a. 1863 76kb

1863 Perrine's new topographical war map.   Perrine 1863  289kb

1863 New Map of Charleston Harbor, showing the scene of the great naval combat between the iron clad Monitor and the rebel batteries.  J. Mayer 1863  193kb

1863 The battlefield at Chickamauga.  Fergus 1863  468kb

1864 Atlanta. From Vincent's subdivision map Army of the Cumberland 1864 176kb

1864 General Sherman's campaign war map.   Bufford 1864  468kb

1864 Map illustrating the operations of Gen. W.T. Sherman, in Georgia.  Poe / J. Bien 1864 200kb

1864 Map illustrating the siege of Atlanta.  Poe 1864 232kb

1866 Historical and military map of the border and southern states.  Phelps & Watson, 1866 467kb

1916 Gettysburg Battlefield from original surveys.  Palmer 1916  207kb

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“So Much More Than Just a Map” – Perspectives on Louisiana and the New World

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Cattle Drives

Cattle Drive Map - Colorado, Kansas, New Mexico (Old Colorado City)

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Historical Maps of U.S. Cities (146 Maps)

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Colonial Era

North America: By Nicolas Sanson d'Abbeville 1650 - Clickable Map (University of Illinois)

Middle British Colonies 1755 (University of Connecticut)

Early America Maps

European Settlements and Indian Tribes, 1750 [East Coast] (Maryland State Archives)

Exploring the West from Monticello: A Perspective in Maps from Columbus to Lewis and Clark (Univ. of Virginia Library)

Great Lakes 1744 - Clickable Map (University of Illinois)

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County Lines

Counties, U.S. - Historical County Lines (John Robertson)

United States - Historical County Lines Maps

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United States - Malaria Deaths 1870 (American Memory)

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Exploration and Settlement

Exploration and Settlement Before 1675 (560K)

The Coronado Expedition 1540-1542 (135K) U.S. National Park Service, 1974.

Exploration and Settlement 1675-1800 (717K)

Exploration and Settlement 1800-1820 (775K)

Westward Expansion and Exploration 1803-1807

Westward Expansion 1815-1845

Exploration and Settlement 1820-1835 (890K)

Sources of the Mississippi River 1834 (414K)

Exploration and Settlement 1835-1850 (833K)

Exploration and Settlement 1850-1890 (888K)

Captain Marcy's route though Texas 1854 (612K)

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United States - Named Highways 1921 (The Best Part Was)

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Military History

Colonial North America (129K)

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French and Indian War

1755 - Braddock's Expedition June-July 1755 (194K)

The British Colonies in North America, 1763-1775 (581K)

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American Revolution

Campaigns of the American Revolution, 1775-1781 (645K)

The American Revolution and Its Era: Maps and Charts of North America and the West Indies, 1750-1789 (Library of Congress)

Mitchell Map of North America - 1775 (University of Southern Maine)

Revolutionary War Maps (

1775 - Boston - Concord Area, Route of British Troops April 1775 (194K)

1775 - American Attack on Quebec (323K)

1776 - Retreat from New York October-December 1776 (194K)

1776 - Attack on Trenton 26 December 1776 (129K)

1777 - Battle of Germantown 4 October 1777 (129K)

1777 - Burgoyne's March on Albany June-October 1777 (323K)

1777-1778 - Pennsylvania-New Jersey Area of Operations 1777-1778 (194K)

1778-1781 - The Southern Area 1778-1781 (258K)

1781 - Battle of Cowpens 17 January 1781 (Schematic) (129K)

1781 - Concentration of Forces at Yorktown April-October 1781 (258K)

1783-1812 - Northern Frontier 1783-1812 (129K)

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War of 1812

1812-1814 - The Northern Frontier In the War of 1812 (194K)

1812 - Niagara River Area, War of 1812 (194K)

1812 - Southern Frontier in the War of 1812 (194K)

1812-1814 - Chesapeake Bay Area 1812-1814 (194K)

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Mexican War

1846-1847 - The Mexican War 1846-1847 (194K)

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Civil War

Civil War Maps Collection (American Memory Project)

Civil War - State Maps Showing Battle Sites

Gettysburg Battlefield [Pennsylvania] (American Memory Project)

Gettysburg Battlefield [Pennsylvania] 1863 (Univ. of California at Berkeley)

Seat of the Civil War, 1861-1865 (645K)

1861-1865 - The Civil War 1861-1865 (323K)

The Civil War Area of Operations (516K)

1861-1865 - The Eastern Theater 1861-1865 (516K)

1861 - Battle of Bull Run 16-21 July 1861 (258K)

1862 - Battle of Shiloh 6 April 1862 (323K)

1862 - Peninsular Campaign May-July 1862 (194K)

1862 - Battle of Fredericksburg 13 December 1862 (268K)

1862 - Battle of Stones River 31 December 1862 (194K)

1863 - Vicksburg Campaign March-July 1863 (194K)

1863 - Battle of Chancellorsville 1-6 May 1863 (581K)

1863 - Battle of Gettysburg 1-3 July 1863 (258K)

1863 - Battles near Chattanooga September-November 1863 (258K)

1864-1865 - Wilderness to Petersburg May 1864-April 1865 (194K)

1864 - Drive to Atlanta 4 May-2 September 1864 (452K)

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Plains Indian Wars

1860-1890 - The Trans-Mississippi West (452K)

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Spanish American Wars

1898 - Greater Antilles Area of Operations (129K)

1898 - Siege of Santiago 1-17 July 1898 (452K)

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World War I

1918 - Western Front September 1914 - March 1918 (258K)

1918 - Western Front 20 March - 11 November 1918 (258K)

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World War II

World War II Maps (50 Maps)

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Korean War

1950-1951 - The Korean Conflict 1950-1951 (258K)

1952-1953 - The Stabilized Front 1952-1953 (194K)

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Vietnam War

Southeast Asia (387K)

1967 - 1 and 2 Corps Tactical Zones 1967 (452K)

1967 - 3 and 4 Corps Zones 1967 (387K)

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Native American Nations

Early Indian Tribes, Culture Areas, and Linguistic Stocks - Eastern U.S. (632K)

Early Indian Tribes, Culture Areas, and Linguistic Stocks - Western U.S. (639K)

Early Indian Tribes, Culture Areas, and Linguistic Stocks - Alaska (942K)

United States - Native American Tribes 1783 (University of Oregon)

United States - Native American Tribes, Culture Areas and Linguistic Stocks - Clickable Map (Native American Navigator)

Native Lands Maps - North America (Paula Giese)

The Indians in the United States (645K)

Indian Land Cessions in the United States (American Memory/Library of Congress)

Indian Land Cessions Maps (U.S. GenWeb Archives)

Cherokee Historical Maps (Ken Martin)

Cherokee Trail - Clickable Map

Seneca Villages and the Jesuit and French Contacts 1615-1708 and About the Map (John S. Allen)

Woodland/Algonquian Tribes Before 1500 (Paula Giese)

Wounded Knee, Battle Map [South Dakota, 1890] map date, 1891 (Denver Public Library)

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National Parks and Battlefields

National Parks - Mapping the National Parks (American Memory Project)

Maps of National Historic Parks, Memorials, Military Parks and Battlefields

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Nautical Maps

Nautical Charts - Historical Nautical Charts and Maps (U.S. NOAA, Office of Coast Survey)

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Railroad Maps

Central Pacific Railroad Maps from (CPRR Photographic History Museum)

Railroad Maps 1828-1900 (Library of Congress)

Railroad Maps - Central Pacific Railroad Maps (CPR Photographic History Museum)

Railroad Maps - 1891 Grain Dealers and Shippers Gazette Maps (Pam Rietsch)

Railroad Maps - Pennsylvania Railroad (Mark D. Bej)

Railroad Maps - Railroad History Sites [many include maps] (StudyWeb)

United States - Railway Atlas 1891 (Pam Rietsch)

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United States - Slave Crops in the American South 1860 (University of Oregon)

Status of Slavery in Original 13 States

Cotton Production in the American South: 1790-1860

Slavery in the American South: 1790-1860

Slave Crops in the American South: 1860

The Missouri Compromise : 1820

Compromise of 1850 : Status of Slavery

Kansas-Nebraska Act : 1854

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Statistical Atlases

Census Atlases: Presenting the Nation's Cultural Geography (Library of Congress)

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Territorial Expansion

Territorial Growth 1775 (84K)

Territorial Growth 1790 (90K)

Territorial Growth 1800 (84K)

Territorial Growth 1810 (122K)

Territorial Growth 1820 (126K)

Territorial Growth 1830 (114K)

Territorial Growth 1840 (118K)

Territorial Growth 1850 (126K)

Territorial Growth 1860 (119K)

Territorial Growth 1870 (133K)

Territorial Growth 1880 (120K)

Territorial Growth 1900 (124K)

Territorial Growth 1920 (117K)

U.S. and Outlying Areas 1970 (353K)

Admission of States and Territorial Acquistion U.S. Bureau of the Census (341K)

Territorial Expansion of the United States : 1783-1853

United States after the Treaty of Paris : 1783

Native American Tribes : 1783

European Possessions Bordering the U.S. : 1783

Louisiana Purchase : 1800-1803

Journeys of Lewis & Clark : 1804-1806

Jackson's Campaigns in Florida : 1818

Territory ceded by Spain : from 1810 to 1819

Texas : 1836

Oregon Country : 1843-1848

The War with Mexico: 1823-1846

Mexican Cession: Political Boundaries

Gadsden Purchase & Proposed Rail Routes : 1853

Alaska and Hawaii

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Westward Trails

Beckwourth Trail [California] (

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Western Exploration

Western Exploration - Exploring the West from Monticello (University of Virginia Library)


United States - Census Atlases 1870, 1880, 1890 (American Memory)

United States Digital Map Library (USGenWeb Archives)

United States Territorial Maps 1775-1920 (University of Virginia)

Boundaries of the United States - Animated GIF (Ed Stephan)

Panoramic Maps 1847-1929 (Library of Congress, American Memory Project)

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General Historical Maps:

Historical Maps of the United States from the Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection at the University of Texas, Austin


Alabama 1895 (Color Landform Atlas/Ray Sterner)

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Alaska 1895 (Color Landform Atlas/Ray Sterner)

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Arizona 1895 (Color Landform Atlas/Ray Sterner)

Arizona - Maps of the Pimaría: Early Cartography of the Southwest (University of Arizona Library)

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Arkansas Historical County Outline Maps (Sheila Brannon)

Arkansas 1895 (Color Landform Atlas/Ray Sterner)

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California as an island, Louis Hennepin 1699 and descriptive information (University of Minnesota)

California - Beckwourth Trail (

California 1895 (Color Landform Atlas/Ray Sterner)

California - Historical Road Maps of Southern California (Mike Ballard)

Los Angeles, California 1871 (American Memory Project)

San Jose, California 1928 (Stanford University)

Venice, California Historical Maps (University of California at Los Angeles)

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Colorado 1895 (Color Landform Atlas/Ray Sterner)

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Connecticut Historical Maps (University of Connecticut Libraries)

Connecticut 1895 (Color Landform Atlas/Ray Sterner)

New Haven, Connecticut 1806 (University of Connecticut)

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Delaware 1775-1830 (Delaware Genealogical Society)

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Florida 1895 (Color Landform Atlas/Ray Sterner)

Saint Augustine, Florida - Siege of 1740 (University of Georgia)

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Georgia and Alabama 1839 (Library of Congress)

Georgia 1895 (Color Landform Atlas/Ray Sterner)

Georgia - Online Historical Maps (University of Georgia, Hargrett Library)

Georgia - Spanish Settlements 1526-1686 (University of Georgia)

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Hawaii 1881 (Library of Congress)

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Idaho 1895 (Color Landform Atlas/Ray Sterner)

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Iowa 1895 (Color Landform Atlas/Ray Sterner)

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Illinois 1895 (Color Landform Atlas/Ray Sterner)

Illinois and the Northwest Territory Historical Maps (University of Illinois)

Chicago Great Fire 1871

Chicago 1886 - Robinson's Atlas, Fire insurance maps (University of Illinois at Chicago)

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Indiana 1895 (Color Landform Atlas/Ray Sterner)

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Kansas 1895 (Color Landform Atlas/Ray Sterner)

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Kentucky 1895 (Color Landform Atlas/Ray Sterner)

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Louisiana 1895 (Color Landform Atlas/Ray Sterner)

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Maine 1895 (Color Landform Atlas/Ray Sterner)

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Maryland 1895 (Color Landform Atlas/Ray Sterner)

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Massachusetts 1879 (Library of Congress)

Massachusetts 1895 (Color Landform Atlas/Ray Sterner)

Boston 1775 (Read Copyright Notice, Bodleian Library)

Boston 1778 (Yale University Map Collection)

Boston ca. 1800 and Map information (

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Michigan 1895 (Color Landform Atlas/Ray Sterner)

Detroit 1764 (Yale University Map Collection)

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Minnesota 1895 (Color Landform Atlas/Ray Sterner)

Fort Snelling, Minnesota 1823

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Mississippi 1888 (Library of Congress)

Mississippi 1895 (Color Landform Atlas/Ray Sterner)

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Missouri 1895 (Color Landform Atlas/Ray Sterner)

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Montana 1895 (Color Landform Atlas/Ray Sterner)

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Nebraska 1895 (Color Landform Atlas/Ray Sterner)

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Nevada - Northern 1888 (Northern Arizona University)

Nevada 1895 (Color Landform Atlas/Ray Sterner)

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New England

New England - Historic USGS Maps (University of New Hampshire)

New England - Map by William Hubbard 1677 (University of Virginia)

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New Hampshire

New Hampshire 1895 (Color Landform Atlas/Ray Sterner)

New Hampshire - Historic U.S. Topographic Maps (University of New Hampshire)

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New Jersey

New Jersey 1895 (Color Landform Atlas/Ray Sterner)

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New Mexico

New Mexico 1895 (Color Landform Atlas/Ray Sterner)

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New York

New York City - George Washington's Battle Engagements 1776 and Map information (

New York State 1895 (Color Landform Atlas/Ray Sterner)

New York State Historical Maps (SUNY, Stony Brook)

Long Island [New York] Maps and Their Makers (SUNY Stony Brook)

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North Carolina

North Carolina 1895 (Color Landform Atlas/Ray Sterner)

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North Dakota

 North Dakota 1895 (Color Landform Atlas/Ray Sterner)

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Ohio 1895 (Color Landform Atlas/Ray Sterner)

Cleveland Historical Maps (William C. Barrow)

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Oklahoma and Indian Territories 1894 (Library of Congress)

Oklahoma 1895 (Color Landform Atlas/Ray Sterner)

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Oregon 1895 (Color Landform Atlas/Ray Sterner)

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Pennsylvania 1895 (Color Landform Atlas/Ray Sterner)

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania - Historical Pittsburgh Map Collection (University of Pittsburgh)

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Rhode Island

Rhode Island 1895 (Color Landform Atlas/Ray Sterner)

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South Carolina

South Carolina 1895 (Color Landform Atlas/Ray Sterner)

Charlestown, South Carolina Siege 1776 (

Charleston, South Carolina 1877 (University of Georgia)

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South Dakota

South Dakota 1895 (Color Landform Atlas/Ray Sterner)

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Tennessee 1895 (Color Landform Atlas/Ray Sterner)

Tennessee Historical Maps (TNGenNet)

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Texas Historic Sites Atlas (Texas Historical Commission)

Texas - Railway Map 1873 (Library of Congress)

Texas 1895 (Color Landform Atlas/Ray Sterner)

Texas - Railway Map 1900 (Library of Congress)

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Utah 1895 (Color Landform Atlas/Ray Sterner)

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Virginia 1612 (Oxford University, Bodleian Library)

Virginia 1895 (Color Landform Atlas/Ray Sterner)

Charlottesville, Virginia - Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps (University of Virginia Libraries)

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Vermont 1895 (Color Landform Atlas/Ray Sterner)

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Washington State

Washington State 1895 (Color Landform Atlas/Ray Sterner)

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West Virginia

West Virginia 1895 (Color Landform Atlas/Ray Sterner)

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Wisconsin 1895 (Color Landform Atlas/Ray Sterner)

Wisconsin - Gazetteer 1853 (University of Michigan)

Wisconsin - Historical Atlas (Wisconsin Cartographers' Guild)

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Wyoming 1895 (Color Landform Atlas/Ray Sterner)

Yellowstone National Park Maps 1878-1937 (Library of Congress)


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