Capital Classifications

Click here for the Comprehensive Historical Classifications of GSEs page.

Note: The dates listed below are the dates FHFA issued the news releases.

+ 2008
+ 2007
+ 2006
+ 2005
- 2004
  December 30 OFHEO Announces Third Quarter 2004 Minimum and Risk-Based Capital Classification for Freddie Mac
  December 21 OFHEO Classifies Fannie Mae as Significantly Undercapitalized for Third Quarter 2004
  December 3 OFHEO Statement on Monthly Capital Classification for Fannie Mae
  September 30 OFHEO Announces Second Quarter 2004 Minimum and Risk-Based Capital Classifications for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Monthly Classification for Fannie Mae to Begin
  June 30 OFHEO Announces First Quarter 2004 Minimum and Risk-Based Capital Classifications for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
  March 31 OFHEO Announces Fourth Quarter Minimum and Risk-Based Capital Classifications for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
  January 29 OFHEO Directs Freddie Mac to Maintain Mandatory Target Capital Surplus Pre-Approval Required for Certain Corporate Transactions
+ 2003
+ 2002
+ 2001
+ 2000
+ 1999
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