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Found 27 studies with search of:   "Toothache"
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1 Not yet recruiting The Comparison of Supraperiosteal Nerve Block With Opiate Analgesia in Alleviating the Pain of Toothache
Condition: Toothache
Interventions: Drug: hydrocodone/acetaminophen;   Drug: bupivacaine (supraperiosteal nerve block)
2 Recruiting Benzocaine Gel Toothache Dose-Response Study
Condition: Toothache
Interventions: Drug: Placebo gel;   Drug: benzocaine;   Drug: benzocaine
3 Completed Assessing the Analgesic Efficacy of Naproxen Sodium in Postsurgical Dental Pain
Condition: Toothache
Interventions: Drug: Naproxen Sodium;   Drug: Placebo
4 Completed Dental Pain (Following Third Molar Tooth Extraction) Study
Conditions: Dental Pain;   Surgery, Dental
Intervention: Drug: GW406381
5 Completed SB-705498 Dental Pain Study After Tooth Extraction
Condition: Dental Pain
Intervention: Drug: SB-705498
6 Completed Sensory Examination and Pharmacological Modulation of Oral Hyperexcitability in Patients With Atypical Odontalgia and Matched Healthy Controls
Condition: Odontalgia
Interventions: Drug: fentanyl;   Drug: S-ketamine
7 Recruiting Study Evaluating the Efficacy of an Ibuprofen Effervescent Tablet in the Treatment of Post-Surgical Dental Pain
Condition: Pain
Interventions: Drug: effervescent ibuprofen tablets;   Drug: effervescent Aspirin plus Vitamin C tablets;   Drug: ibuprofen tablets;   Drug: placebo
8 Completed An Effectiveness and Safety Study of Acetaminophen 1000 mg and Ibuprofen 400 mg in Postoperative Dental Pain
Condition: Pain
Intervention: Drug: acetaminophen caplets, ibuprofen capsules
9 Completed A Study to Evaluate the Safety and Efficacy of an Investigational Drug in the Treatment of Postoperative Dental Pain
Conditions: Pain, Postoperative;   Tooth Extraction
Intervention: Drug: MK2295
10 Recruiting A Study to Asses the Effect of MK0663 in the Treatment of Patients With Postoperative Dental Pain
Condition: Pain
Interventions: Drug: etoricoxib;   Drug: ibuprofen;   Drug: acetaminophen (+) codeine;   Drug: placebo (unspecified)
11 Completed An Effectiveness and Safety Study of Acetaminophen 1000 mg and Ibuprofen 400 mg in Postoperative Dental Pain.
Condition: Pain
Intervention: Drug: acetaminophen caplets, ibuprofen liquid-filled gelatin capsules
12 Completed Analgesic Efficacy Study of ARRY-371797 in Subjects Undergoing Third Molar Extraction
Condition: Dental Pain
Interventions: Drug: ARRY-371797;   Drug: Placebo;   Drug: Celecoxib
13 Completed A Study of Two Approved Drugs in the Treatment of Postoperative Dental Pain
Condition: Postoperative Pain
Interventions: Drug: MK0966, rofecoxib;   Drug: Comparator: valdecoxib, placebo
14 Completed A Study of Two Approved Drugs in the Treatment of Postoperative Dental Pain
Condition: Postoperative Pain
Interventions: Drug: MK0966, rofecoxib;   Drug: Comparator: valdecoxib
15 Completed A Study of Two Approved Drugs in the Treatment of Postoperative Dental Pain
Condition: Postoperative Pain
Interventions: Drug: MK0966, rofecoxib;   Drug: Comparator: oxycodone and acetaminophen
16 Active, not recruiting A Study of Two Approved Drugs in the Treatment of Postoperative Dental Pain
Condition: Postoperative Pain
Interventions: Drug: MK0966, rofecoxib;   Drug: Comparator: oxycodone with acetaminophen, placebo
17 Completed Safety and Efficacy of Intranasal Ketamine for the Treatment of Postoperative Dental Pain
Condition: Pain, Postoperative
Interventions: Drug: intranasal ketamine;   Drug: intranasal ketamine;   Drug: intranasal ketamine;   Drug: placebo
18 Completed Use of Acupuncture for Dental Pain: Testing a Model
Condition: Tooth, Impacted
Intervention: Procedure: Acupuncture
19 Completed Ibuprofen Extended-Release Dental Pain Study
Conditions: Pain;   Post-Operative Pain;   Third Molar Extraction
Interventions: Drug: Ibuprofen 600 mg Extended-Release Tablets;   Drug: Placebo
20 Completed Analgesic Efficacy, Safety and Tolerability of Two Paracetamol-Containing Solutions in Post-Surgical Dental Pain
Condition: Pain, Postoperative
Interventions: Drug: Paracetamol (acetaminophen) solution experimental;   Drug: paracetamol (acetaminophen) sloution commercial;   Drug: placebo

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