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Found 72 studies with search of:   "Confusion"
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21 Recruiting Ziprasidone vs Standard Therapy for Agitated Patients in the ED
Conditions: Psychosis;   Agitation;   Delirium
Interventions: Drug: ziprasidone;   Drug: Standard therapy
22 Recruiting Safety Study for Patients With a History of Hepatic Encephalopathy
Condition: Hepatic Encephalopathy
Intervention: Drug: rifaximin
23 Recruiting Lactulose for the Prevention of Hepatic Encephalopathy in Cirrhotic Patients With Upper Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage
Conditions: Hepatocerebral Encephalopathy;   Portal-Systemic Encephalopathy;   Encephalopathy, Hepatic;   Encephalopathy, Hepatocerebral
Interventions: Drug: Lactulose;   Drug: Placebo
24 Active, not recruiting TOBY: a Study of Treatment for Perinatal Asphyxia
Conditions: Asphyxia Neonatorum;   Hypoxia;   Encephalopathy;   Seizures
Intervention: Procedure: Whole body mild induced hypothermia
25 Active, not recruiting e-CHAMP: Enhancing Care for Hospitalized Older Adults With Memory Problems
Conditions: Cognitive Impairment;   Delirium
Interventions: Behavioral: e-CHAMP (Enhancing Care for Hospitalized Older Adults with Cognitive Impairment);   Behavioral: Standard Care
26 Terminated Namenda to Prevent Post-Operative Delirium
Conditions: Delirium;   Post-Operative States
Intervention: Drug: Namenda
27 Completed Postoperative Delirium at Heidelberg's Intensive Care Unit -New Diagnostic Markers
Condition: Postoperative Delirium
28 Completed Postoperative Delirium in Hip Fracture Patients
Condition: Delirium
29 Completed Molecular Adsorbent Recirculating System (MARS) for Patients With Cirrhosis and Hepatic Encephalopathy
Conditions: Hepatic Encephalopathy;   Liver Failure;   Hepatitis, Chronic;   Liver Cirrhosis
Intervention: Device: Molecular Adsorent Recirculating System (MARS)
30 Completed A Trial to Reduce Delirium in Aged Post Acute Patients
Conditions: Delirium;   Aging
Intervention: Behavioral: Delirium Abatement Program
31 Recruiting Incidence of Delirium in Hip Fracture Patients Randomized to Regular Hypnotics Vs Placebo
Conditions: Hip Fracture;   Delirium
Intervention: Drug: Zolpidem
32 Recruiting Post-Operative Haloperidol Versus Placebo for Prevention of Post-Operative Delirium After Acute Hip Surgery.
Conditions: Post-Operative Delirium;   Hip Fracture
Interventions: Drug: Haloperidol;   Drug: placebo
33 Active, not recruiting A 6-Month Efficacy, Safety and Tolerability Study of Rifaximin In Preventing Hepatic Encephalopathy
Condition: Hepatic Encephalopathy
Intervention: Drug: Rifaximin
34 Recruiting Exercise as Treatment for Hepatic Encephalopathy
Conditions: Cirrhosis;   Hepatic Encephalopathy Stage 1;   Minimal Hepatic Encephalopathy
Interventions: Other: Exercise rehabilitation program;   Dietary Supplement: Nutritional therapy
35 Active, not recruiting Safety and Efficacy of AST-120 Compared to Lactulose in Patients With Hepatic Encephalopathy
Condition: Hepatic Encephalopathy
Interventions: Drug: AST-120;   Drug: lactulose
36 Recruiting Cord Blood for Neonatal Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy
Condition: Neonatal Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy
Interventions: Other: autologous cord blood;   Other: autologous cord blood cells
37 Not yet recruiting Efficacy of Combined Oral L-Ornithine-L-Aspartate and Lactulose in Patients With Hepatic Encephalopathy
Condition: Hepatic Encephalopathy
Interventions: Drug: L-ornithine-L-aspartate and lactulose;   Drug: placebo and lactulose
38 Recruiting Late Hypothermia for Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy
Conditions: Infant, Newborn;   Hypoxia, Brain;   Hypoxia-Ischemia, Brain;   Encephalopathy, Hypoxic-Ischemic;   Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy;   Ischemic-Hypoxic Encephalopathy
Interventions: Procedure: Hypothermia;   Procedure: Normothermic Control
39 Completed Donepezil in the Prevention of Post-Operative Cognitive Decline
Conditions: Postoperative Complications;   Delirium
Intervention: Drug: Donepezil
40 Completed Prophylactic Olanzapine Versus Placebo for Prevention of Postoperative Delirium After Joint Replacement Surgery
Condition: Delirium
Interventions: Drug: olanzapine;   Drug: placebo

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