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Found 12 studies with search of:   Open Studies | "Pneumothorax"
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1 Recruiting Additional Minocycline Pleurodesis After Thoracoscopic Procedures for Primary Spontaneous Pneumothorax
Condition: Pneumothorax
Intervention: Drug: intrapleural minocycline instillation
2 Recruiting Pleural Abrasion Plus Minocycline Versus Apical Pleurectomy for Primary Spontaneous Pneumothorax
Condition: Pneumothorax
Interventions: Procedure: 1 apical pleurectomy;   Procedure: 2 pleural abrasion + minocycline pleurodesis
3 Recruiting Intrapleural Minocycline After Simple Aspiration for the Prevention of Primary Spontaneous Pneumothorax
Condition: Pneumothorax
Intervention: Drug: Minocycline intrapleural instillation
4 Recruiting Chest Tube Drainage or Thoracoscopic Surgery for Failed Aspiration of Spontaneous Pneumothorax
Condition: Pneumothorax
Interventions: Procedure: Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery;   Procedure: chest tube drainage
5 Recruiting Management of Occult Pneumothoraces in Mechanically Ventilated Patients
Condition: Pneumothorax
Interventions: Procedure: chest drainage;   Other: close clinical observation
6 Recruiting Efficacy of the Additional Mechanical Pleurodesis for Surgical Management of Primary Spontaneous Pneumothorax
Condition: Primary Spontaneous Pneumothorax
Intervention: Procedure: thoracoscopic surgery
7 Recruiting Pneumothorax Therapy: Manual Aspiration Versus Conventional Chest Tube Drainage
Condition: Pneumothorax
Interventions: Procedure: manual aspiration;   Procedure: conventional drainage
8 Recruiting A Comparative Study of the Safety and Efficacy of Face Talc Slurry and Iodopovidone for Pleurodesis
Conditions: Malignant Pleural Effusions;   Recurrent Pleural Effusions;   Primary Spontaneous Pneumothorax;   Secondary Spontaneous Pneumothorax
Intervention: Procedure: Pleurodesis with either talc or iodopovidone
9 Recruiting Study of the Disease Process of Lymphangioleiomyomatosis
Conditions: Lung Disease;   Pneumothorax;   Tuberous Sclerosis
10 Not yet recruiting No Routine CXR After Bronchoscopy
Condition: Pneumothorax
11 Recruiting Drainage Amount for Removal of Thoracostomy Tube
Conditions: Pneumothorax;   Pleural Effusion
Interventions: Other: No drainage threshold;   Other: Drainage <2 mL/kg
12 Recruiting Level of CPAP in Preterm Infants After Extubation (L-CPAP Study)
Condition: Respiratory Insufficiency of Prematurity
Interventions: Device: Nasal CPAP, level 7 to 9 cmH2O;   Device: Nasal CPAP, level 4 to 6 cmH2O

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