The Theodore Roosevelt wayside exhibit, Mount Rushmore. Mount Rushmore National Memorial in Keystone, S.D., and its 2.2 million annual visitors gained a permanent interpretive tool with the unveiling on June 23, 2000, of four NEH-developed wayside exhibits about Washington, Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Lincoln along the Memorial's Presidential Trail.

The exhibits present each of the four Mount Rushmore presidents through images, quotations, and biographical and career highlights. They also include quotations from the sculptor of Mount Rushmore, Gutzon Borglum, about his interest in the featured presidents. The exhibits are adapted from the NEH traveling exhibition, "Hail to the Chief: Presidents, Power, and Politics."

The project is the first formal partnership between NEH and a National Park Service site. The South Dakota Humanities Council also provided support.

Partners at the June 23 exhibit dedication ceremony at Mount Rushmore: (l. to r.: Florence Six, assistant communications director, Midwest Region, National Park Service; Michael Haug, executive director, South Dakota Humanities Council; Carolyn Mollers, board member, South Dakota Humanities Foundation; James G. Popovich, chief of interpretation, Mount Rushmore National Memorial; Kathleen Mitchell, partnership development officer, NEH Enterprise Office.
Partners at the June 23 exhibit dedication ceremony at Mount Rushmore: (l. to r.: Florence Six, assistant communications director, Midwest Region, National Park Service; Michael Haug, executive director, South Dakota Humanities Council; Carolyn Mollers, board member, South Dakota Humanities Foundation; James G. Popovich, chief of interpretation, Mount Rushmore National Memorial; Kathleen Mitchell, partnership development officer, NEH Enterprise Office.

The George Washington wayside exhibit, Mount Rushmore.
The George Washington wayside exhibit, Mount Rushmore.