Biographical sketches are arranged in alphabetical order by last name. Please select from one of the following lists:

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National Air and Space Museum visitors frequently ask, "Where are the women pilots?". The answer is that they are in nearly every gallery of the Museum. This guide will lead you to all the women that have artifacts or photographs in the Museum. Women's participation and contributions are noted from our Early Flight gallery (107) to Space Race (114), from the earliest female pioneers to racing pilots to the first female commercial pilots to women in space.

Although women have flown since 1908, nearly all of them were restricted to general aviation, i.e. private planes, or support jobs, and our exhibits reflect those historical roles. However, women have now gained full access to military and commercial cockpits, as well as the Space Shuttle and aerospace technology, and as we update old and create new exhibits, we will review and include the growing contributions of women throughout the Museum. Enjoy the tour

March is Women's History Month
Smithsonian Activities & Educator Resources

See also: Black Wings: African American Pioneer Aviators

Bessie Coleman Amelia Earhart Sally Ride Patty Wagstaff Jacqueline Cochran