State, Local, and Tribal Government
Woody Biomass Utilization Activity

States and local governments have recognized the benefits of utilizing woody biomass. This page provides links to efforts by and opportunities offered by state and local governments to promote the utilization of woody biomass.

  • Database of State Incentives for Renewables & Efficiency - Many States have Renewable Portfolio Standards that require a certain percentage of energy used in the state be derived from renewable sources, such as biomass.
  • State & Federal Incentives & Laws - U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Alternative Fuels Data Center. Some States provide biomass grants and incentives.
  • National Association of Conservation Districts (NACD) - signed an agreement with DOI and the Forest Service to increase public understanding of the benefits of using wood biomass to reduce fuel buildup on public lands. The NACD uses publications, national and regional conferences, field tours, news media, websites and email methods to reach a broad audience. They have also developed a Speakers Bureau to assist in outreach/education; engaged their natural resource committees and field units in policy and project development; and have led many community efforts in reducing hazardous fuels on thousands of acres in the WUI.
  • National Association of State Foresters - a non-profit organization that represents the directors of forestry agencies from the fifty states, eight U.S. territories and associated states, and the District of Columbia.
  • The Western Governor’s Association - an independent, nonprofit organization representing the governors of 19 states and three U.S. island possessions in the Pacific, have endorsed an initiative to promote the development of 30,000 MWs of clean and diversified energy by 2015. This initiative includes an estimated 11,000 MWs of woody biomass utilization.

Harvesting Guidelines

Tools and Resources

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 Training/Outreach Materials

 Financing Opportunities


  • California Biomass Collaborative - The mission of the California Biomass Collaborative is to enhance the sustainable management and development of biomass in California.
  • Western Governors Association, Clean and Diversified Energy Initiative - In order to help achieve the Governors' clean and diverse energy goals and track the implementation of the Advisory Committee's recommended policies, WGA has developed an implementation strategy.
  • National Biomass State and Regional Partnerships - This Biomass Program primarily carries out state and regional partnerships through cooperation with the National Biomass State and Regional Partnerships which consists of five Regional Organizations: Coalition of Northeastern Governors Policy Research Center, Council of Great Lakes Governors, Southern States Energy Board, Western Governors Association, and DOE's Western Regional Office.

Last modified: Friday March 13 2009