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  A DOE Office of Science User Facility
  at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
  Acceptance Tests of Cray T3E-900

NERSC begins acceptance tests of Cray T3E-900

July 7, 1997

y The National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center at Berkeley Lab began acceptance tests Aug. 4 of the center's new Cray T3E-900 supercomputer, one of the most powerful unclassified computers in the nation.

The acceptance test program involves running a well-defined workload of scientific applications on the 512-processor supercomputer. As the tests progress, users of the machine at Berkeley Lab will also be able to run a limited number of applications on the T3E.

In order to pass the acceptance test, the T3E must be available for computing 90 percent of the time over a 30-day period. The tests are being coordinated by the NERSC Systems Group.

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