NERSCPowering Scientific Discovery Since 1974

NGF's Key Role in Dayabay Discovery

Discovery of the last neutrino mixing angle was announced a few months after the Daya Bay Neutrino Experiment’s first detectors went online. But that result might not have been available so quickly without the NERSC NGF infrastructure. » Read More

A Massive Stellar Burst, Before the Supernova

An automated supernova hunt is shedding new light on the death sequence of massive stars—specifically, the kind that self-destruct in Type IIn supernova explosions. » Read More

NERSC Supercomputers Help Explain the Last Big Freeze

About 13,000 years ago, a catastrophic injection of freshwater into the North Atlantic “conveyor” triggered a major cold spell. But, how did the freshwater get there? With help from NERSC, two researchers may have finally solved this mystery. » Read More

NERSC Contributes to Science's 2012 Breakthroughs

Of the top 10 finalists for Science magazine's 2012 "Breakthrough of the Year," NERSC provided critical computing and storage support to two accomplishments.
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National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center

Computing at NERSC

Now Computing

A small sample of massively parallel scientific computing jobs running right now at NERSC.

Project Machine CPU Cores CPU Core Hours Used
Advanced Simulation of Pore Scale Reactive Transport Processes Associated with Carbon Sequestration
 PI: David Trebotich, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Hopper 49,152
Parallel Simulation of Electron Cooling Physics and Beam Transport
 PI: Kevin Paul, Tech-X Corporation
Hopper 6,144
Projections of Ice Sheet Evolution Using Advanced Ice and Ocean Models
 PI: William D. Collins, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Hopper 3,840
Numerical Simulations of Defects and Chemical Reactions at Surfaces and Interfaces
 PI: Sergey Rashkeev, Idaho National Laboratory
Carver 192
First-Principles Catalyst Design for Environmentally Benign Energy Production
 PI: Manos Mavrikakis, University of Wisconsin - Madison
Carver 168

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