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About Freddie Mac

Company Profile

Freddie Mac, one of America's biggest buyers of home mortgages, is a stockholder-owned corporation chartered by Congress in 1970 to keep money flowing to mortgage lenders in support of homeownership and rental housing. Learn more about how we make home possible.

Corporate Citizenship

Our corporate citizenship efforts not only include philanthropy, but also a wide variety of community, housing, diversity and volunteerism programs, as well as consumer education and the value we place in our employees.


Search for a job at Freddie Mac, learn about our compensation, employee benefits, career development, diversity, and work environment, or find information here about our college recruitment efforts.

News and Information

Find the latest news releases and media mentions, corporate facts, select officer biographies, speeches and statements, economic and housing research commentary, industry reports and publications, the results of Freddie Mac's weekly Primary Mortgage Market Survey®, and subscriptions to a variety of email alerts and RSS feeds.

Investor Relations

Find information on Freddie Mac’s common and preferred stock, corporate financials, corporate governance, corporate responsibility, securities trading, investor news and investor events, and additional investor resources such as investor presentations, credit ratings, and analyst coverage.

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