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MDT Frequently Asked Questions and Helpful Information


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  • Where do I find information on seat belts and child restraints?

  • Where do I find driver's license and vehicle registration information??

  • What are the speed limits in Montana? How do I get a speed limit changed?

  • What is Montana's load and speed limit policy?

  • When do studded tires need to be removed from personal vehicles?
    Studded tires are are permitted in Montana from October 1 - May 31.
    additional tire restriction information

  • What towing restrictions apply in Montana?

  • Safe Driving Tips

  • How do I find information about Montana Motor Carrier Services (oversize/over weight permits), commercial vehicles or trucking regulations?
    Actual laws may be viewed online.
    Online permitting application

  • Why are MDT cameras only installed in certain locations?
    The department's primary reason for the cameras at various locations throughout the state is to aid our winter maintenance crews. These cameras are generally located in areas that are far removed from highway maintenance facilities. This saves our crews a great deal of time and expense by allowing them to observe road conditions at these remote locations without actually requiring them to drive there. Although this is the primary intended use of these cameras, we have also placed these images on the web for the benefit of the traveling public. We aim to add more cameras to mountain passes and other areas that experience extreme weather conditions as funding and resources become available.

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  • What is an open alcoholic beverage container?
    A bottle, can, jar, or other receptacle that contains any amount of an alcoholic beverage that is open or has a broken seal or the contents of which are partially removed or are immediately capable of being consumed.

  • What is the major purpose of the law?
    The law prohibits unlawful possession of an open alcoholic beverage container by a person in a motor vehicle on a highway. Montana had the highest rate of alcohol related fatalities per vehicle mile traveled in the nation in 2002 and 2003 as reported by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. The open container law helps provide the message that it is not okay to drink and drive in Montana.

  • Who gets the ticket?
    The person in possession of the open container.

  • A friend of mine stated that there was an exception to this law if the open container was in the locked glove compartment. Is this true?
    Yes, an open container can be stored in a locked glove compartment.

  • Does this law allow a person to have an open alcoholic beverage container on a bus or taxi?
    Yes, as long as the operator is a hired driver and has met the legal requirements of other public laws such as licensing requirements and local open container ordinances.

  • What about motor homes? Are open containers allowed?
    Yes, in the living quarters of a camper, travel trailer, or motor home, the law allows a person to have an open alcoholic container.

  • What about open alcoholic beverage containers at a tailgate party?
    This is permissible as long as it is not on a public highway and meets all other legal requirements such as local open container ordinances.

  • Does this new law have a fine for violating it as well?
    Yes, a person convicted of the offense of unlawful possession of an open alcoholic beverage container in a motor vehicle shall be fined an amount not to exceed $100.

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  • How do I learn more about winter maintenance activities?

  • How do I get more information about deicing chemicals used on the roads?

  • Does Montana use the metric system or English units of measure?
    Montana currently uses English units of measure.

  • Construction and maintenance activities defined

  • How do I give feedback about a project that's under construction?
    Contact the Project Manager listed for the specific project
    Use the Ask MDT online form to submit a comment.

  • Sometimes I see work zone signs on the highway and no one is working. Did the department forget to pick them up?
    Work zone signs will remain in place while construction is in progress. Even if no one is working, it is still a work zone; all regulations remain in place until work is complete on the project.