The success of the National Wild Fish Health Survey (NWFHS) depends on establishing productive partnerships both within and external to the Service. Within the Fish and Wildlife Service, fish health biologists are working closely with other biologists in the Fisheries, Ecological Services, and International Affairs programs. This ensures cohesiveness between the NWFHS and related aquatic activities, such as those involving environmental contaminants, endangered species, refuges and aquaculture. It also adds a valuable fish health dimension to these other Service activities.

Electro-shocking in Idaho

Partnerships are formed with other organizations active in fish health, fishery biology and fishery management. Included are other Federal agencies, State and Tribal agencies, conservation and professional organizations, universities and foreign nations. Care is taken to identify and include partners early in designing and planning the NWFHS. Priority is placed on adopting an overall approach that is broadly inclusive and one that is flexible in attracting and accommodating a variety of different kinds of partners.

Partnerships are based on common interests, responsibilities and activities. Some partners, like Federal, Tribal, and State fishery managers, are involved in several ways. Some may provide fish taken from areas identified as high priority sampling areas. Others may provide funds to expand the NWFHS to areas that otherwise might not be targeted. Still others may not participate in the NWFHS itself, but may benefit from its data, or may voice their support for the NWFHS at critical times when national priorities and budgets are being established. As more and more people and organizations become aware of the NWFHS and benefit from it, interests in forming partnerships will grow. Initially, the Service will focus on reaching four primary constituencies:

Measuring Suckers
Measuring Suckers

The NWFHS will always benefit from new partnerships and, in turn, will be shaped and directed by those partnerships. The Service will be challenged to maintain a flexible outlook in order to be responsive to diverse groups of partners and at the same time guide NWFHS in the direction intended by Congress. The NWFHS will always benefit from new partnerships and, in turn, will be shaped and directed by those partnerships. The Service will be challenged to maintain a flexible outlook in order to be responsive to diverse groups of partners and at the same time guide NWFHS in the direction intended by Congress. The NWFHS will always benefit from new partnerships and, in turn, will be shaped and directed by those partnerships. The Service will be challenged to maintain a flexible outlook in order to be responsive to diverse groups of partners and at the same time guide NWFHS in the direction intended by Congress.