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Missing Persons

Other (unidentified)

Public Safety

Iowa Missing Person Information Clearinghouse
Division of Criminal Investigation
Iowa Department of Public Safety
215 E. 7th St.
Des Moines, IA 50319

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Have You Seen Me?

Steven Leasure

Rita Papakee

Christopher Glaser


Data on this site is updated every 4.0 hours.

  The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children and its Take 25 campaign encourage you to get involved and talk with your children about safety.  To begin, click here for some conversation starters.

NCMECTake 25

2015 Missing Children's Day Poster Contest

 May 25th was proclaimed National Missing Children's Day by President Ronald Reagan in 1983. The U.S. Department of Justice commemorates Missing Children's Day and each year since 2000, its Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention sponsors a National Missing Children's Day Poster Contest. The poster contest provides an opportunity for schools, law enforcement, and others to engage children in informative discussions about the problem of missing children and how to prevent it.

Click here to see Iowa’s Winning Posters 

Talk to your children about the risks and rewards of internet use.  Click here for the Iowa Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force's website!

Iowa ICAC logo

24 Hour Toll Free Hotline 800-346-5507
The Iowa Missing Person Hotline is available 7 days a week to request assistance in the location of a missing person and report information on the sighting/location of a missing person.

The Program and Material Registry provides information regarding approved prevention and education program and material information regarding missing children. The clearinghouse also provides for the filing of complaints regarding programs and materials which are questionable as to content or usage.

Teaching the Public
Child abduction and Runaway Prevention Materials.

Working Alongside Local Law Enforcement Agencies
Training and investigative assistance in the area of missing persons and contact for research of laws and resource information.

Nationwide Network
Member state of I-SEARCH, (Interstate Enforcement Agencies to Recover Children); contact with other state missing person agencies in the location of missing persons; and contact with the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, (NCMEC).

Weekly Public Service Announcements
The Weekly Public Service Announcement provides updated information to the monthly Missing Person Bulletin.

About Us

The Missing Person Information Clearinghouse was established July 1, 1985, within the Department of Public Safety providing a program for compiling, coordinating and disseminating information in relation to missing persons and unidentified body/persons. Housed within the Division of Criminal Investigation, the clearinghouse assists in helping to locate missing persons through public awareness and cooperation, and in educating law enforcement officers and the general public about missing person issues.

The Iowa Department of Public Safety releases the names of missing persons on a weekly basis. Click HERE for current statistics.

Data on this site is updated daily at 9:30am Central time.