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About Submissions

How Do I Correct or Update My Submission(s)?

To correct your 2006 or earlier IUR report, send a letter to EPA identifying your submission, the incorrect information, and the corrected information. Further information on correcting submissions.

For complete, detailed guidance on how to submit updates, see Instructions for Reporting for the 2006 Partial Updating of the TSCA Chemical Inventory Database (PDF) (111 pp, 818K, About PDF).

When Is the Next Reporting?

The next submission period will occur June 1 - September 30, 2011 when manufacturers and importers will report information on their 2010 production. EPA will post additional information prior to the 2011 submission period.

The 2006 IUR submission period, during which manufacturers and importers reported information from calendar year 2005, ended on March 23, 2007.

Did You Miss Reporting for the 2006 IUR?

In order to comply with the Agency's self-disclosure policy, once a violation has been discovered, a company has 21 days from the time of that discovery to disclose the violation in writing to EPA.

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