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State of Ohio Federal Stimulus Initiative

A Message from Governor Ted Strickland

Welcome to Ohio's virtual headquarters for information regarding the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act — also known as the federal stimulus bill.

President Barack Obama has signed legislation that will kick-start the national economy through investments in areas such as:

  • Producing Clean and Efficient Energy in Ohio
  • Investing in Science and Technology to Advance Ohio's Economy
  • Modernizing our Roads, Bridges, Transit and Waterways
  • Developing a 21st Century Education System
  • Implementing Tax Cuts that Make Work Pay and Create Jobs
  • Lowering Healthcare Costs
  • Providing Assistance to Ohio Workers Hurt by the Economic Downturn
  • Saving Public Sector Jobs and Protecting Vital Services for Ohioans

We must act strategically and boldly to take full advantage of this unique opportunity to make lasting investments in our state. And we must do so in a way that is accountable and transparent and meets the critical economic development priorities of our communities across the state.

This website is an interactive portal for entities to submit expressions of interest in federal stimulus dollars and to view general information about the federal stimulus. Stimulus grant and loan funds will ultimately be distributed to governments, business and other organizations, and not directly to individuals. We will provide additional information on the stimulus as it becomes available.

Thank you for your interest and for your support in continuing to build Ohio's economy. Working together, we will invest the federal stimulus resources wisely to ensure Ohio's continued economic growth.

Ted Strickland

Get Updates

Sign up for updates on the website and Federal Stimulus Initiative.


If you are an individual seeking benefits for you or your family, please visit the Individuals page. Do not use the Submit Your Proposal link below; it is intended for organizations and their representatives only.

Submit Your Proposal

25,233 proposals have been submitted through this website as of 5/6/2009.

What Happens Next?

Those who have submitted proposals regarding projects which may meet eligibility requirements will receive an email indicating where, when, and how to apply.

Check back at this website for any new information available.  Our goal is to make sure that all potential fund applicants are treated equally and fairly and that everyone eligible has a chance to apply for funds.