Delegation of Authority
Division of Policy and Directives Management

It is the Service's policy to delegate authority to the lowest practicable level of the organization commensurate with the assignment of responsibility.  The Director's authority is granted by the Assistant Secretary for Fish and Wildlife and Parks. This authority is set forth in the Departmental Manual (DM) in Part 242.  All delegations to or by the Director are contained in Parts 031 to 039 of the Fish and Wildlife Service Manual. The primary objectives of delegations of authority are to:
  • Vest authority commensurate with responsibility;
  • Relieve officials of routine matters that can be performed at lower levels of the Service's organization; and
  • Reduce paperwork at higher levels for matters that can be decided at a lower level.

The Division of Policy and Directives Management reviews proposed delegations of authority to ensure that they are compatible with the language of the source of authority; for example, the wording of a statute, Executive Order, or Secretarial Order.  

PDM Contact:  Hope Grey, (703) 358-2482,

Last updated: December 31, 2007

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