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Funding Opportunities for the Secondary Analysis of NAEP Data


The data collected by NAEP provide an exceptionally rich source of information about student performance. NAEP encourages researchers and policymakers to make use of the data and to perform their own analyses and studies. In addition to the data available on the NAEP website and in NAEP reports, access to raw data is available to those who apply for and are granted restricted-use licenses. Training in using NAEP data is also available.

IES Research Grant Competitions

The Institute of Education Sciences (IES) invites applications each year to its grant program. The RFAs, issued several times throughout the year, are often suitable for research using NAEP data.

To see a description of previous NAEP grants, click Search Funded Research Grants (at the top left of the Funding Opportunities page). Searching for "NAEP" will produce abstracts of awards from 2002 forward. Descriptions of winning applications from previous years are also available. For questions or additional information about studies using NAEP data, contact Patricia Etienne,

AERA Grants Program

This training and research program is administered by the American Educational Research Association (AERA) and supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the National Center for Education Statistics (part of of the Institute of Education Sciences at the U.S. Department of Education) to provide small grants and training for researchers who study education policy using quantitative methods and analyzing data from the large-scale data sets sponsored by NCES and NSF.

The program sponsors research grants and dissertation grants. Applications may be submitted at any time; proposals will be reviewed three times a year, with funding decisions made within a month of the review date. For more information, please contact Laura LoGerfo, Visit the AERA Grants Program website.

Last updated 04 November 2008 (NB)
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