Nevada Fish & Wildlife Office
Pacific Southwest Region

Ecological Services

Federal Activities

The Federal Activities Program is responsible for review of projects proposed, funded, permitted, or licensed by other federal agencies.

Fish & Wildlife Coordination Act

This law requires that federal agencies consult with the Fish and Wildlife Service whenever they propose, permit, or license projects that affect streams or other water bodies. Examples include water supply or diversion projects and flood control projects. We are currently providing technical assistance to the Army Corps of Engineers on the Truckee Meadows Flood Control Project and are a lead agency, along with the Bureau of Reclamation, Bureau of Indian Affairs, and the California Department of Water Resources for the Revised Draft Environmental Impact Statement/Environmental Impact Report for the Truckee River Operation Agreement (

Current Projects in Nevada


McCarran Ranch Restoration
1997 Flood Downtown Reno

Truckee Meadows Flood Control Project links:

Vicinity Map
Army Corps of Engineers link
Army Corps of Engineers Newsletter

McCarran Ranch Restoration Project FWS Coordination Act Report

Project Map

McCarran Ranch

National Environmental Policy Act

Our staff participates in the scoping process, and review and comment on actions proposed by other federal agencies including land management agencies such as the Bureau of Land Management and the Forest Service. Such actions range from wide-ranging land use plans to more specific actions like mineral, oil or gas leases, or wind energy development projects. We strive to get involved early in the planning process to promote the long-term conservation of animals, plants, and their habitats.

Permiting & Licensing

We work with the Army Corps of Engineers on wetland permitting processes and with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission on hydropower licensing and relicensing processes to ensure that vital wetlands are protected, impacts are mitigated, and aquatic resources are conserved.

More information on our efforts to conserve, restore and enhance fish and wildlife resources while accomplishing resource development objectives is available on our national website: (


Last updated: January 21, 2009