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Crews Contain Refuge Fire

July 2008

The 457-acre Duck Fire, which ignited by lightning on July 28 on the Charles M. Russell National Wildlife Refuge in north-central Montana, was called out by firefighters just days after it started. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Land Management, and county firefighters worked hard to catch and extinguish the fire which burned 25 miles southwest of Fort Peck.

Fire managers from the refuge praise the effort from refuge firefighters as well as those which assisted from cooperating federal, state, and local fire agencies.  Six engines and a helicopter helped douse the fire. Suppression costs are estimated to be around $60,000.

Charles M. Russell National Wildlife Refuge is 1.1 million acres in size. Due to its size and remoteness, the area has changed very little from the time of Lewis and Clark. Elk, mule deer, pronghorn, bighorn sheep, sage and sharp-tailed grouse, and bald eagles make the refuge home. Hunting, fishing, boating, camping, wildlife watching and photography, hiking, and horseback riding are popular activities for visitors to the refuge.


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