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FWS Fire Safety Specialist Invited to Train "Down Under"

June 2008

Paul Chamberlin, a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service fire operations safety specialist serving in an interagency capacity, presented two fire safety workshops at a session sponsored by the Australian County Fire Authority in May 2008.  

Chamberlin, stationed in Missoula, Montana, is a nationally-recognized authority in the field of fireline safety and provides fire safety training and presentations throughout the U.S. In addition, he frequently conducts safety reviews and provides input into major fireline safety strategies.  

One of Chamberlin’s workshops was on “LCES,” a wildland fire safety system widely used across the country since 1990. It stands for Lookouts, Communications, Escape Routes and Safety Zones and is based on mountaineering principles. Chamberlin also presented on “Hazard Trees - An Interactive Study,” which teaches participants how to recognize common tree structural issues and to practice making decisions based on the level of risk.  

This is the second time Chamberlin has been invited to train Australian fire personnel. In September, 2007 he and Paula Nasiatka, director of the Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center at the National Advanced Fire and Resource Institute in Tucson, Arizona, were keynote speakers for a major Australian, New Zealand and Southeast Asian bushfire conference in Hobart, Tasmania. They also were presenters at a workshop in Melbourne, Victoria the following week.

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