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Patuxent Research Refuge
Summer Mini-Camps 2009

Patuxent Research Refuge offers Mini-Camps for a variety of age groups this Summer at the North Tract of the Refuge (off Rt. 198). Admission is FREE, however, donations are greatly appreciated and can be donated through the Friends of Patuxent. Advance reservations are REQUIRED by calling 301-497-5887. Please advise us of any special needs so that we may accommodate you.

owlAnimal Planet
July 8th, 9th & 10th 
10:00AM -2:00PM
Ages 5-7
Learn the differences and similarities between different groups of animals.  Discover the diversity of these animals and how each survives in their habitat. We’ll explore the Refuge and find these creatures in their natural habitat while playing games, doing crafts, and more.

Nature Detectives
July 15th, 16th & 17th 10:00AM -2:00PM
Ages 8-10
Who’s been here? Come learn different ways to detect animal activity as we track them through our meadows, forests, and wetlands.  Learn bird calls, animal tracts, trees, and more.  See how humans and animals interact in our environment and identify factors that contribute to environmental problems.
earth in handsRefuge Ranger
July 22nd & 23rd 
Ages 8-10
Come learn what it’s like to be a refuge ranger! Explore hands-on how wildlife survives on a Refuge.  Learn to identify plants, animals, and insects and understand how to protect wildlife.  Of course, there’s much more to a refuge ranger, but you’ll have to come to find out!

Nature’s Kingdom
July 29th & 30th 10:00AM- 3:00PM
Ages 11-13
Investigate exciting wildlife adaptations that help us classify nature in its kingdom. Learn to identify plants and animals based on their adaptations. Explore the Refuge and identify different living things outside through games and activities.

flowerAwesome Animal Adaptations
August 5th, 6th & 7th 10:00AM-2:00PM
Ages 5-7
Spend these three days learning all about different animal adaptations.  Discover how mammals, birds, fish and more survive in their habitats and what makes some more successful than others. Arts and crafts, games, hands-on activities, and time outside will make this camp one you don’t want to miss.

Please note: Summer day camps are on a first-come-first-served basis and require registration by phone at 301.497.5887. Participants may only attend one camp within their age group. Participants should dress for the weather, (long pants are recommended), wear sunscreen/insect repellant, and bring water and a bag lunch that does not need to be refrigerated.

To find out about upcoming programs..........Join our list serve, or pick up a flyer at the refuge, or check your local newspaper or library.  Programs are also listed in the Volunteers <->Friends monthly newsletter. Annual memberships are available at $15.00, payable to Friends of the Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, Inc., 10901 Scarlet Tanager Loop, Laurel, MD 20708-4027.