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FWS Publication System

North American Fauna

Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management

Manuscript Adminstrative Record System

Submission Review and Publication Process

Editorial Staff

2006 Publication Report



Editorial Staff

Editorial Staff

The editorial staff will consist of many volunteers from the Service, as well as other agencies and institutions, and will consist of the following components, each critical to the success of the system: Editor-In-Chiefs, Editorial Board, Subject Editors and Reviewers.  Brief descriptions of each follow; further details will be provided in the weeks ahead as we get closer to the launch of the system. 


Each outlet will be managed by an Editor-in-Chief, who has the ultimate responsibility for content and function.  The main role of Editor-in-Chief is to ensure appropriate Subject Editors are assigned to each submission and to make final decisions on the disposition of submissions based on the reviews and comments from the Subject Editors and other reviewers.  They will also approve final editing and layout of all articles, request final approval from authors as needed, act as official representatives and ambassadors of the outlet, and assist the other editorial staff and the System Administrator as needed.

Editorial Board

An initial Editorial Board has been formed, consisting of representatives from multiple Regions and Programs.  The main function of these members initially is to organize and recruit Subject Editors and reviewers for the Service outlets. Please contact the Editorial Board member in your Region or Program, if you have questions or if you are interested in volunteering for the editorial staff.


Region 1:

Judith Gordon
Steve Morey

  Region 2:  Steve Chambers
  Region 3: Teresa Woods
  Region 4: Bill Starkel
  Region 5: Rick Bennett
  Region 6: Stephanie Jones
  Region 7: Rod Simmons
  Region 8: Diane Elam
  ES: Rick Sayers
  DPDM: Michael Schwartz
  DPDM: Krista Holloway


Subject Editors

The standards of Service journals are enforced in large measure by peer review of manuscripts, which are coordinated by the Subject Editors.  The Subject Editors are responsible for coordinating the peer review of submissions, and making recommendations on their final disposition to the Editor-In-Chief.  The Editorial Board is actively recruiting Subject Editors whose areas of expertise matches the types of publications that each Region and Program produce. Please contact the Editorial Board if you have questions or if you are interested in volunteering for the editorial staff.

Look here for a detailed job description.


Reviewers are the backbone of the peer review system and perform the bulk of the heavy lifting in the process.  The success of peer review relies on a community of experts who are able to perform impartial review.  Reviewers will be recruited from within the Service, as well as many other agencies and organizations, to form a community of experts to peer review submissions to the Service publication system.  Reviewers will soon be able to volunteer their service by logging into each of an outlet site and self-identifying their areas of expertise.  Details will soon follow.


Last updated: October 16, 2008