Gray Wolf
Midwest Region



State Plans

Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan Wolf Management Plans

Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan developed wolf management plans in preparation for the time when Endangered Species Act protection would be removed for gray wolves in those states. These plans will dictate wolf management in those states after the gray wolf is delisted. Below are links to the plans and also to summaries of the plans that were prepared by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.


Minnesota State Plan: 2001 (PDF)
Summary of the Minnesota State Plan
Summary of the Minnesota Law that revised the Minnesota Wolf Management Regulations


Michigan Wolf Management Plan: July 10, 2008 (PDF)
Michigan State Plan: 1997 (PDF)
Summary of the Michigan State Plan
Wolf Management Roundtable - Includes Recommended Guiding Principles for Wolf Management in Michigan (Nov. 2006)


Wisconsin State Plan; 1999 (PDF)
Summary of the Wisconsin State Plan
Addendum to the Wisconsin State Plan; 2006




Last updated: April 1, 2009