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Ocean Explorer – CD-ROM
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Ocean Explorer CD sets feature a series ocean expeditions. CDs of the 2001-2003 ocean expedition seasons can be downloaded or viewed from the NOAA website. 2004 explorations are now available to explore online.  (posted on 04/07/05)

Virtual Field Trips Database
University of Texas Library collection of virtual field trips and guides throughout the United States and Canada. Developed as course components, the sites contain local geological or earth science information and include links to downloadable versions of published paper texts.  (posted on 04/07/05)

New Wow Education Module: Smart Consumers
World Wildlife Fund latest education module in the Windows on the Wild series: Smart Consumers: An Educator's Guide to Exploring Consumer Issues and the Environment. The guide includes 14 hands-on activities, a Community Action Guide, and a colorful Your Stuff, Your Planet poster.

North Carolina Museum of Art online educational resource, featuring nature and science activities that can be used in environmental education. Includes K-12 lesson plans and activities searchable by region, subject, and grade –  (posted on 12/07/04)

Gristmill Forum
New forum from Grist Magazine features "leafy green" commentary posted throughout the day, on breaking news, discourses on ideas, and links to other information across the Web –  (posted on 12/07/04)

Earth Matters 4 Kids
Earth Matters correlates science with basic environmental principles, helping teachers, students (K-6) and community members gain a full understanding of how science works in natural surroundings by bringing a virtual natural world into the classroom. –  (posted on 12/07/04)

EPA Environmental Education Grants  
The grants program sponsored by EPA's Office of Environmental Education supports environmental education projects that enhance the public's awareness, knowledge, and skills to make informed decisions that affect environmental quality. Since 1992, EPA has received between $2 and $3 million in grant funding per year and has awarded over 2,500 grants. Grants of $25,000 or less in federal funds are awarded in EPA's ten regional offices, and grants over $25,000 are awarded at EPA Headquarters in Washington, D.C.

Please check the EPA Web Site – – for updates before sending in your grant application.(posted on 10/05/04)

Teaching the Poetry of Rivers — Online
The Colorado Foundation for Water Education has free online lesson plans for teachers that address the interdisciplinary study of watersheds, and assist students with submissions to the River of Words Poetry Contest. The self-paced lesson plans integrate culture, history, poetry and watershed science. Please visit for more information.  (posted on 09/30/04)

WWF Adventures — Young Explorers in the Amazon
This World Wildlife Fund site features the expedition highlights of Nick News and the Young Explorers into the Amazon. Students can learn about the rainforest and ways to help preserve the Amazon; experience the adventures of the explorers through their "Jungle Notes"; and play the "Piranha Chase" and learn about the natural treasures of the Amazon. Learn more at  (posted on 09/30/04)

Skyeye Weather Teacher's Corner
Helpful weather info links plus information on weather related topics for teachers and students. Science experiments and weather education presentation info. Elementary students enjoy asking Puffy-Q questions too. Visit to learn more.  (posted on 09/30/04)

Red Wolf Recovery Program Web site
The Red Wolf Recovery Program Web site has a new addition — an educators resource page. This section will include announcements for future teacher workshops, information about reserving the red wolf discovery box, curriculum, links, etc. For more information please visit  (posted on 09/30/04)

Society for Conservation Biology — "Presentation Tips for Presenting to K-12 Students"
The Society for Conservation Biology has developed a resource called "Presentation Tips for Presenting to K-12 Students". This is a comprehensive list of suggestions for scientists who are giving guest presentations to students in the K-12 curriculum. The list may be found at  (posted on 09/30/04)

All About Birds
Developed by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, this site includes a video gallery, a guide to birdwatching, and a dynamic on-line bird guide complete with sound files of bird songs. Requires RealPlayer (free) to view the video and audio features. Please visit to learn more.  (posted on 09/30/04)

CIESE On-line Classroom Projects
Center for Improved Engineering and Science Education (CIESE) sponsors and designs interdisciplinary projects that teachers can use to enhance their curriculum through use of the Internet. The focus is on projects that utilize real-time data from the Internet. Some of these collaborative projects include "Down the Drain: How much water do you use?", "The Global Water Sampling Project: An investigation of water quality" for grades 9-12, and "The Square of Life: Studies of local and global environments" for grades 1-5. Each project has a brief description and links to the National Science Standards and NCTM math standards it supports. Visit for more information.  (posted on 09/30/04)
The National Environmental Education and Training Foundation (NEETF) has launched It is a free Web site with key information on how educators can obtain the best and most usable environmental education programs available today. is a veritable "best of the best" collection of environmental education programs and resources for K-12 teachers, parents, and students. This new site will help educators, after-school providers and home-schooling parents to get started or improve their skills in environmental education. The development of was funded through a grant from the Mitsubishi International Corporation Foundation. The Foundation emphasizes effective environmental education programming.  (posted on 09/30/04)

The Linking Girls to the Land Web site is up and running!
For the most current information about Linking Girls to the Land (LGTTL) please visit the Web site hosted by the Environmental Protection Agency at Here you will find information about local LGTTL Girl Scout council projects, national programs and opportunities, ways to partner with Girl Scouts and federal natural resource agencies, the Linking Girls to the Land Resources Guide and much more.  (posted on 09/30/04)

Map Machine
The National Geographic online atlas allows customizable searches for nearly any place on Earth to view by population, climate, and much more. View antique maps, find country facts, or plan an outdoor adventure with a trail map. For more information visit  (posted on 07/16/04)

Investigating the Climate System Grades 5-12 Classroom Modules
NASA educational product series consists of five classroom problem-based modules for studying clouds, energy, precipitation, weather and wind. Learning activities, assessment rubrics and prerequisite knowledge are included in these downloadable booklets, correlated to national academic standards for grades 5-12. Each was designed to be used independently. Learn more at  (posted on 07/16/04)

National Ocean Service Discovery Kits – Grades 6-12
National Ocean Service (NOS) Discovery Kits were developed for high school teachers and students and are adaptable to undergraduate or middle school level. Discovery Kits: Corals, Tides & Water Levels, and Geodesy, provide tutorials, roadmaps, and lesson plans designed to work together, but can be used independently as well. For more information visit  (posted on 07/16/04)

EETAP CD-ROM For Educators – Meeting Standards Naturally
Developed by the Environmental Education and Training Partnership (EETAP) "Meeting Standards Naturally" CD-ROM for K-12 Educators to promote academic excellence and environmental literacy. Helps educators learn how to use the environment as a context for learning and meet national academic standards. CD-ROM includes the publication "Advancing Education through Environmental Literacy," developed in collaboration with the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD). CD-ROM can be ordered online or downloaded from the EETAP Web site at  (posted on 06/30/04)

Service-Learning: Helping Kids and Communities Grow
From Kidsgarden Thematic Explorations, this Service-Learning program provides project ideas, success stories, and resources that integrate community service with curriculum goals. Service-Learning provides real world learning experiences that address community needs while providing students with the opportunity to cultivate partnerships and see how their actions can improve the quality of life for others. Learn more at  (posted on 06/30/04)

The Green Flag Program
Coordinated by the Center for Health, Environment and Justice, the program provides resources for teachers and students to take a hands-on approach to improving their school environments. Schools receive awards for achieving different levels of environmental improvements. For more information visit  (posted on 06/30/04)

Virtual Whale Watch
Organization provides a virtual Whale Watch at schools featuring a life-size whale. Landlocked pre-K to 6th students in Mid-Atlantic states participate in a simulated whale watch and activities to stimulate their interest in marine science and endangered species. Site features a "Kid's Page" with whale sounds, "Ask a Scientist," resources and information appropriate for pre-K-6 graders. Learn more at  (posted on 06/30/04)

Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS): An Educator's Information and Materials Guide
For K-12 teachers and non-formal educators, the AIS Guide is available online or in PDF format. Includes aquatic exotic plants and animals educational materials, multimedia resources and information, and species field guide. From the University of Minnesota Sea Grant College Program. To learn more visit  (posted on 06/15/04)

Smithsonian National Zoo: Conservation Central
This habitat education program explores the temperate forest – home of the giant panda and black bear, through several online activities. Middle School conservation curriculum aligns with national science and social studies standards. Learn more at  (posted on 06/15/04)

School Garden Wizard
Online guide for grades K-8, to help start a school learning garden or enrich an existing program. Features expert advice on getting support for a garden program, lesson plans and guidance for teaching to standards in the garden, practical gardening advice and more. For more information visit  (posted on 06/11/04)

EETAP Resource Library Moves to EE-Link
The EETAP Resource Library was started by Ohio State University to make EE resources more accessible to environmental educators. A major component of the Library is Info-Sheets (1-2 page descriptions that summarize a specific EE topic and identify resources for additional reading). The Info-Sheets help educators better understand specific topics related to EE and are organized into 8 major categories: History of EE; Resources for Teaching; Academic Resources; Public Understanding of EE; Capacity Building; Assessment and Evaluation; Decision-making; and Environmental Topics. New Info-Sheets continue to be added to the EETAP Resource Library collection.

For more information visit  (posted on 05/08/04)

Science Lesson Plans - John Muir Study Guide
The Sierra Club announces new standards-aligned Science Lesson Plans (K-12) inspired by and using John Muir's adventures and explorations. Learning about John Muir's life can serve as a launching pad to science-based environmental studies through plant and animal habitats, ecosystems, earthquakes, avalanches, glaciers, geology, weather, biodiversity, and forests.

Teachers may obtain the new Science Lesson Plans free of charge:  (posted on 03/31/04)

Educators Cultivate Entrepreneurs
This National Gardening Association book, Growing Ventures: Starting a School Business acts as a guide for educators to launch or enhance a business with youngsters. Features stories of 18 classroom, schoolwide, and community-based enterprises, from a youth-run farmers' market to a hydroponics basil business in which fourth graders sell to restaurants. It includes guidelines, activities, and resources for engaging young people (ages 6 to 22) in planning and implementing a project that addresses teaching and learning goals.

Purchase through NGA's online Gardening with Kids store or by calling 1-800-538-7476, ext. 143.  (posted on 03/24/04)

Simforest Software
SimForest (for simulated forest) is a project that enables students, grades 7-12, to plant trees of more than 30 kinds and then choose the environmental factors that affect their growth, such as rainfall, temperature, and soil conditions. The software is intended for biology and ecology classes. Teacher and professional development materials are included.

For complete description of project and download instructions visit:  (posted on 3/24/04)

This new website will help educators, after-school providers and home-schooling parents to get started or improve their skills in environmental education. It provides up-to-date information on the most successful, well-tested and effective national environmental education programs available today. The pages on each program contain a clear description, audience/grade level, overview of content and topics, materials, educator feedback, awards and recognition, and fast steps for obtaining and implementing the program. The site also has an Additional Resources section that includes a Best-of-the-Web listing of portal sites for environmental education and a special list of free environmental education programs offered by the national environmental resource agencies.  (posted on 03/15/04)

This new online resource features stories about conservation and earth stewardship, global climate change, ecosystems, and biodiversity. Many EarthCare topics are linked to Project Learning Tree (PLT) curricula, which meet state and national standards. Stories that correlate to PLT activities are identified by the PLT logo, which enables teachers to easily research and select topics for classroom activities and homework.  (posted on 03/15/04)

Project Bluestem: A Prairie and Savanna Curriculum
The long awaited update to Project Bluestem is finally finished. Project Bluestem is a prairie and savanna curriculum for K-12 grade teachers. The new Project Bluestem CD-ROM is now available from the Friends of the Prairie Learning Center through the Prairie Point Bookstore for $25. When you purchase the CD containing 20 activities you also get a copy of the new plant wheel. The plant wheel was developed to complement several of the activities in Project Bluestem, but would be great for anyone who is interested in prairie plants. The wheel features 32 of the most common wildflowers and grasses found on the prairie. The plant wheels are available for only $6 each. For more information or to order your copy of Project Bluestem, please contact Sara Hollerich at (515) 994-3400.  (posted on 02/05/04)

Woodsy Owl Invasive Species Material Available
The Woodsy Owl Invasive Species is available at the National Symbols Cache for $2.00 per pack! Please refer to the following link on how to order.  (posted on 02/05/04)

Raptors in the City
Raptors in the City is a real-time, inquiry-based science and technology program for grades 4-6 that stars the peregrine falcon. The online portion of Raptors in the City guides children through nesting season (roughly February to June) as they watch the still rare falcons live via cameras mounted on skyscrapers. The curriculum supports one semester of study, and the students learn environmental, biological, and technological lessons, as well as research skills, tied to national science and technology standards.
Curriculum materials and books for falcon study are available at low cost.  (posted on 02/05/04)

Sea to Shining Sea – Partners in Conservation
The Sea to Shining Sea – Partners in Conservation webcast is global in nature, covering topics and issues from Alaska to Texas. This archived webcast is divided into three major topical areas – A Sense of Place: Understanding the Habitat Wildlife: Adaptations and Concerns, and Human Impact and Involvement. Within each topic one can look at the perspectives from Alaska, Texas and the nation as a whole. The information provided on the Web site is intended as a guide for educators for further classroom activities and exploration. Topics, guiding questions, curriculum standards, Internet resources and activity ideas are included.  (posted on 02/05/04)

New Web site Teaches Teens about the Environment!
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) unveiled a new Web site to help high school students explore and learn about their environment and ways to protect it. The site can be found at The Web site contains easy to find and easy to understand information about air and water issues, waste and recycling, conservation, health and safety, ecosystems, and community environmental conditions. It also links interested students to internship and scholarship opportunities, environmental careers and community involvement projects.  (posted on 01/29/04)


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