Theodore Roosevelt NWR Complex
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Welcome to the Theodore Roosevelt National Wildlife Refuge Complex

Heron Chicks. Credit: Michael A.Kelly, USFWS

Heron Chicks. Credit: Michael A.Kelly, USFWS

The Theodore Roosevelt National Wildlife Refuge Complex, formerly the Central Mississippi Refuges Complex. Legislation sponsored by Senator Thad Cochran and Congressman Bennie Thompson changed the name to Theodore Roosevelt National Wildlife Refuge Complex in January, 2004. The legislation established two new refuges in the Complex – Holt Collier National Wildlife Refuge and Theodore Roosevelt National Wildlife Refuge, and included provisions to design and construct the Holt Collier Environmental Education and Interpretation Center in the south Delta region.

The Complex now includes seven refuges:

The Theodore Roosevelt National Wildlife Refuge Complex is the largest refuge complex in the state of Mississippi and includes both the youngest (Holt Collier and Theodore Roosevelt National Wildlife Refuges) and the oldest refuges (Yazoo National Wildlife Refuge) in the state. Over 100,000 acres of refuge lands on seven refuges, including 13,000 acres of refuge-managed Farmers Home Administration lands, provide vital habitat for fish and wildlife in the Delta region. Visitors are encouraged to stop by and enjoy the wild side of Hillside, Holt Collier, Mathews Brake, Morgan Brake, Panther Swamp, Theodore Roosevelt, and Yazoo National Wildlife Refuges.

Last updated: September 3, 2008