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This Web site contains a listing of federal air regulations that have been delegated to state or local air pollution control agencies in Region 9. These air regulations establish nation-wide requirements for a wide range of commercial and industrial activity, and include new source performance standards (NSPS), national emission standards for hazardous air pollutants (NESHAPs), and maximum achievable control technology (MACT) standards.

Basic Information
Learn more about these federal air standards and the delegation process.

Specific Authorities Retained by EPA
Find out which authorities EPA does not delegate to other agencies.

Delegations by State
Select a state or local agency to view a listing of standards that have been delegated to that agency.

Delegations by Standard
Select a particular standard and see a listing of agencies where it has been delegated.
Air Permit Delegations
Part 71 Operating Permits, prevention of significant deterioration, and pre-construction permits.

Related Links
More information about Clean Air Act programs and regulations.

Contact EPA Region 9 for additional help or information on air standard delegations.

Note: The EPA has attempted to ensure that the delegations information presented on this web site accurately reflects the actions published in the Federal Register. If there are discrepancies, however, the Federal Register is the official record.

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