Waste Programs Division: Cleanups: Voluntary Cleanups: Brownfields Assistance Program

ADEQ is currently accepting applications for FY16 which begins July 1, 2016 and ends June 30, 2017.

What are Brownfields?

Brownfields are abandoned or underutilized properties where their reuse is complicated by actual or perceived environmental contamination. Brownfields properties may include sites contaminated by hazardous substances, petroleum, or mine-scarred land, and must meet all three of the following criteria:

Examples of historical uses associated with Brownfields sites

Brownfields properties could be:

  • Abandoned gas stations
  • Old factories, mills and foundries
  • Airports and landing strips
  • Landfills and dump sites
  • Mine-scarred lands
  • Old dry cleaners
  • Junk yards
  • Old auto repair shops

Is a community Brownfield impacting your area?

ADEQ recognizes the impact an abandoned or underutilized property can have on a community, particularly when known or perceived environmental contamination may be complicating reuse of the property. Communities often struggle to find new uses for these Brownfields, whether as a neighborhood park or as a new commercial or retail use, unless and until the environmental issues are resolved.

These properties are often abandoned, with owners no longer maintaining the property or paying taxes. Abandoned properties can quickly become blights to the community and may attract vandalism and illegal dumping. These properties degrade the environment, depress communities and potentially put health at risk.

What would be the advantage of a Brownfields Revitalization Project in your community?

Brownfields redevelopment benefits the community by reducing environmental hazards, creating new business opportunities, increasing tax revenue, and restoring blighted areas to productive use. Brownfields may be located near potential markets and labor, and their redevelopment may be less expensive than developing previously undeveloped land because roads and infrastructure are already in place.

Brownfields Assistance Program

Cities, towns, counties and non-profit organizations may apply for funding from ADEQ’s Brownfields Assistance Program. Each fiscal year (July 1 through June 30) the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) provides funding under a State Response Grant for Phase I and Phase II environmental site assessments or cleanup activities. An environmental assessment will provide the applicant with a final report that:

  • Reveals whether a site is clean or contaminated.
  • Determines the nature and extent of the contamination.
  • Identifies potential cleanup options.
  • Estimates cleanup costs, if any.

Grant Eligibility Requirements

Only governmental entities and non-profit organizations in Arizona are eligible to apply for the grants to complete Phase I and Phase II environmental site assessments, lead-based paint and asbestos surveys, and small remediation projects on brownfield properties. Applicants cannot be responsible parties for the contamination.

For assessment grants, ADEQ will help complete the Brownfields State Response Grant Application, take care of hiring and overseeing contractors, and provide the results of the assessment. For cleanup projects, applicants must own the property. When awarded a cleanup grant, grantees hire their own contractors and manage the project with oversight by ADEQ’s Voluntary Remediation Program (VRP).

Site eligibility requirements include:

  • Suspected or known contaminant must be a hazardous substance, petroleum product, pollutant and/or mine-scarred land.
  • The site cannot be located within a WQARF or Superfund area.
  • Redevelopment plans must demonstrate an economic or community benefit. For example, the site may be developed into a park or other recreational green space for the community, provide improved access to services or support the creation of jobs.

Easy Application Process

ADEQ is now accepting applications for fiscal year 2017 which begins July 1, 2016. Apply now for the best chance to receive funding by doing the following:

Step 1: Call ADEQ’s Brownfields Coordinator to discuss your site and grant eligibility, and then submit a DRAFT written Request for Funding letter for review. The required components for the letter are listed on the Brownfields State Response Grant Application. (ADEQ will assist you through each step of the process).

Step 2: After ADEQ has reviewed your draft, submit your official written Request for Funding letter along with your Brownfields State Response Grant Application.

Step 3: After receiving project approval from EPA, ADEQ will prepare the Brownfields Governmental Service Contract to be signed by both ADEQ and the applicant's official representative.

Step 4: When an assessment grant is awarded, ADEQ goes through the process of hiring a contractor to begin the assessment work which is conducted under the U.S. EPA: Brownfields and Land Revitalization: All Appropriate Inquiries (AAI). We also oversee all Phase I and/or Phase II activities.

Step 5: For cleanup grant awards, ADEQ provides reimbursement funds to applicants doing their own project management with ADEQ’s Voluntary Remediation Program (VRP) oversight.

Please contact the Brownfields Program or VRP with any questions. To request a list of all Voluntary Remediation Program and Brownfields Grant sites, contact the ADEQ Records Center at 602-771-4380.

Additional Brownfields Resources

Please contact us with any questions.